You do that on the mixer itself! Not necessary within the settings.
Hi there, I need some help with my DJM T1.
I can't choose between phono/line. I should be able to do that in the traktor scratch duo 2 preferences, shouldn't I? I'll add a pic of it, showing that it's not supported.
I've got all new drivers, latest firmware...
Anybody an idea? Thx in advance.
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You do that on the mixer itself! Not necessary within the settings.
You sure? Because when I use pitch correction with my turntables, it sounds awful. It just happens when I use them in "absolute-mode" - only then!
I'd have to change the latency time to a higher one! I don't want that..
Any suggenstions?
If I'm correct, which sometimes I'm not, the line/phono setting within the software is only to select the input on soundcards such as the Audio8 where you have a phono pre-amp and line input on the same channel input.
Are you referring to the "master tempo" (pitch correction)? How far from 0% are you when you say it "sounds awful"?
Hey...have a look at the attached picture, that's what I mean with pitch correction.
If I turn this thing on, with absolut mode, it sounds really awful. Here's a sound instance: http://www.zshare.net/audio/96518136bffdc9cd/
You'll hear it immediately...I switched it on and off to let you hear the difference.
That picture doesn't show anything about pitch correction...?
Apart from hearing it distort, I'm not sure what you're doing - can you shoot a video?
What is it called then? You see the "music-note" on the picture, what's its function? Wenn you hear the distortion, I'm klicking on it.
Ah -- THAT picture, not sure how I missed it - I was looking at the original post. lol
Yes, that button is the key-lock (equivalent to master tempo on the CDJ) and is used to keep the key (the pitch) of the music locked regardless of the pitch (speed) of the music. (Confused yet?)
The quality of the audio playback shouldn't be that bad at what sounds to me like 0% (or close to it as it doesn't change frequency when you engage / disengage it). I would contact Native Instruments for further support on this issue as it's not the mixer causing the problem, it's the software.
Hola...there you go, lol. That was the first thing I did - contacting NI (I wrote them about the issue and explained it exactely)
But those guys told me that the DJM T1 is only supported by Pioneer...and here I am :(
Yeah, but that would imply that the problem is with the DJM-T1; to me, it seems that the problem you're experiencing would occur with any audio interface as it's the software causing the problem.
O.k, I asked NI for help (again). Let's see what they see.
Other question: Is it possible to use a Roland SP404sx with the DJM T1? Well, of course it is, but I'd like to use the effects of the Roland...Is that possible?
If you can't get an answer there, let me know and I'll put it through to our engineers.
Thx Pulse, I'll be waiting.
Btw, do you know how to assign the FX section to the sample decks via mixer? Is that basically possible?
I don't use Traktor enough to even know how to do that in the software! I would assume it's possible thanks to the 3 layers of MIDI control, but I don't know what to configure.
Any idea where I could ask?
Concerning my issue with the pitch correction - I'm using Mac OS 10.5.8 - NI says that I should upgrade to 10.6.
But they never heard of that issue. Will try to get Snow Leopard :(
Let us know how you make out.
@Primetec > A note from the engineers:
If you are using vinyl timecode, can you select “Timecode PHONO” from the pull-down menu on the MIXER OUTPUT tab of the Pioneer setting utility. You can refer to the “Changing the setting utility’s settings” section of the DJM-T1 user manual.
If you use timecode CD on CDJ, you will need to select "Timecode CD" instead.
Thx. But there's a menu in the Traktor preferences too, with phono/line. Apparently, DJM T1 users don't have to do anything there.
In the meantime, I got OS 10.6. but I've still got the same issue. I wrote to NI support and they are trying to help me.
I've still got the question how to turn the fx from the sample decks on and off....anybody knows?
@Primetec > May I consider referring to your manual for the sample decks? I think it should have been mapped within the .tsi file so you just need the command/trigger to engage it correct?
If it is mapped, I can't figure out how. I've got the .tsi file, but I'm not seeing that command.
And if that's a possibility to map it by myself...I don't know how :(
@Primetec > No, not within Traktor, within the Pioneer mixer settings utility.
You mean the phono/line thing? That's o.k.
So are there any outstanding issues with the mixer inputs or is it just the effects you're trying to resolve?
Effects are o.k, I found out how.
The remaining issue is with the keylock:
If I turn this thing on, with absolut mode, it sounds really awful. Here's a sound instance: http://www.zshare.net/audio/96518136bffdc9cd/
You'll hear it immediately...I switched it on and off to let you hear the difference.
And here, it's not clear wether it's a hard or software problem.
Given that it's within the software, I'd say you can eliminate the hardware as being the source of the problem...
I'm having trouble finding advance fx settings when using djm-t1 and unable to find freeze effect either can anyone help?
@Kwezt > Please start your own thread in future if you are having issues. What setup are you running? What version of Traktor?
sorry.... i dont know how to start a thread. i have the current version recently released. ive heard that if you go into advace in fx setting it would be there but im unable to find on the advance setting. if you can help if would be appreciated my set up is djm t1 two numark turntables and my laptop running windows 7 64 bit
@kwezt > There's an "Add Article" button on the top-right of any of the sub-forums.
If you're not using the PRO version of the software, you will not have the Advanced FX modes; the T1 edition only includes standard effects.