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USB issue with my DJM 900 nexus

Hello everybody

First, happy new year and best wishes for all

For me this new year doesn't start very well with my new mixer lol

I bought it 15 days ago.

i made my first test with DJM 900 connected on a laptop with usb connector of the mixer.

It worked fine and simply during several hours.

Second test to improve my solution before a party few days later, it began to start, and 30 minutes later my laptop hanged.

Since this hang, nothing!

usb link doesn't work....

I've done several tests with other cable, laptop, pc,  re installed drivers, update DJM 900 firmawre with the last 1.21, but nothing.

USB light on the mixer is still off, all lights on channel (USB selector) are off.

Usb device is not detected on computer

(All others DJM functions work fine.)

I think usb device on the mixer is out of order, but before starting guarantee procedure, i'd like to be sure off my diagnostic.

Someone have an idea or know a similar issue about this mixer ?

Best regards

André Merlier

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What Operating system are you using?

Can you get into maintenance mode and select factory defaults on the mixer?

Does your operating system detect and attemp to install the drivers?

Have you attempted to connect the USB to a diffrent USB port on your laptop?

What USB type do you have? USB1, USB2, or the newer USB3?

robert rodriguez 0 votes
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My answers below

What Operating system are you using?

windows 7 and XP -> all worked fine on both OS the first time

3 computers tested: 2 (7 / XP) with drivers already installed (and reinstalled for the tests) and 1 (XP) without driver installed

Can you get into maintenance mode and select factory defaults on the mixer?

No, i searched for something like that, but i didn't find anything. (no reset button, no menu etc...)

In the manual, the only way indicated when USB doesn't work is to reinstall drivers.

But i updated the firmware and it should be the same result than a reset to factory settings, no?

Does your operating system detect and attemp to install the drivers?


For me that mean that usb power (5v) is out and that's why i'm thinking that the issue come from the mixer and not from computer

Have you attempted to connect the USB to a diffrent USB port on your laptop?

Yes, i tried all ports available on my 3 computers and several cables

**What USB type do you have? USB1, USB2, or the newer USB3?

**I have a lot of USB2 and one USB3, all tested without success ...

Thanks for your help

André Merlier 0 votes
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@Andre > If you have installed the drivers and the hardware is not detected by the operating system on multiple computers with different USB cables, I would suggest you contact Pioneer technical support for further instruction.  If you are within the return period for your place of purchase, you may consider returning it there.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks Pulse.

I shipped back my mixer yesterday to Lab7, official technical support for Dj products in France.

I had a conversation earlier with one of their technician, and he came to the same conclusion, usb card management probably out of order.

So i have just to wait now.

Thanks for your help

André Merlier 0 votes
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Sorry for the inconvenience and glad you're getting it sorted out.

Pulse 0 votes
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