should note, lights remain like that forever untill holding power to shut off. Still boots fine, but still running 1.04 firmware
Trying to update the firmware on my djm-350 black using the effect switch bin file. Blank fat32 usb drive, djm0506.bin in the root of the drive, put into standby mode, hold both fader start buttons, power on, channel 2 red light blinks for about 1 second, then all lights on second channel go solid, and second from the bottom green light on ch1 is solid as well. Tried multiple drives, 1.04 firmware file as well, no change. Saw one other person with issue in forum, no responses as to how to fix. Help??
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should note, lights remain like that forever untill holding power to shut off. Still boots fine, but still running 1.04 firmware
sorry for the triple post. going to zero the drive to make sure the djm update isn't failing because of old data on the drive.
same result
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