I use the 2000, so thats all i can provide.
Beat fx are on par as the 900 in terms of "what kind" of beat fx are available for both mixers. However, the 2000 beats the 900 by a long shot in this side due to its 3 EQ fx knobs to control which frequency you want to effect while using the fx.
Thats alot more control than what the 900 can provide. Some may say its not needed, but I feel every bit of control is giving the DJ a extra more organic touch to their mix.
The intant fx, vary in differences as the filter knobs of each channel are from 0-100, instead of -100 - 0 - +100. This measn the 2000 knobs are litereally on and off knbos instead of 900 where you can have 2 sides of filters to control. Both are good, I enjoy my 0-100 knobss.
Theres also the LED screen, now i rarely use it, but I have seen people use the frequency mix with success (my self included) but its kind ofhard to incorporate when you have so much other controls you can mess with on the 2000. Obviously the 900 has the spiral and gate fx for instant.
For me the problem with 900 is i can swich my beat fx quickly, and more pricesly, meaning i cant just switch from trans all the way to echo due to the fact they arent next to each other. With a EFX-1000 style of lay out on the 2000, the access of your fx are quite simply a button away. Beat timing as well is a button away, the 900 has the XY pad, so the execution of style of mixing, and mixer-work is differnet.
The work flow is similer up until the way you use the mixers fx in my opinion.
2000= more control of the fx ; parameter knob for instant fx, and EQs for beat fx.
900= more instant fx, and quicker execution of fx ; no need to fiddle with EQ's or paramets and straight up action mixing
Thats my take on it, but again, i dont use the 900 so my opinion may not be the same as other people on the forums. but DJM-2000 all the way for me