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Moving International

Not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this. But I have been relocated back to Asia from Dallas Tx. However I have my precious gear that I dont really trust anyone with. . I'll list the items, but all have their original box and styrofoam.

2x KRK Rokit 6

2x CDJ 2000

1x DJM 2000

1x MPK 25

1x APC 40

What would be a good way to ship these guys back? im not exactly sure taking them with me through the plane is logical either@@ Any suggestions on this matter?


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Personally, I'd ship them either by air or surface (depending on cost difference) via courier (UPS / FedEx / DHL) in their original packaging.  Alternatively, you may find the prince on shipping a small crate and go that route with all boxes together.

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