FollowDJM-900 USB Recording Issues with ABleton- Color Effects DUb Echo and Space Feedback
I was getting this issue with my old XP laptop so I went to town and grabbed a new rig only to have same issues here are the new laptop specs:
2.5 GHZ INtel I7
6GB Ram
256 GB Soild state Drive
Win 7 Premium
All Drivers and Firmware are 100% up to date
My Ableton setup is the standard audio track with inputs from the mixer setup as 7/8 ( Rec out) and send to Master using Track arm to record.
Deck A in Ableton is out put 3/4 and Deck B in Ableton is 5/6 ( I have zero issues when playing live and not recording)
I read all the other forums and it seem that everybody is having some sort of recording issues with the DJM-900 Drivers.
Here are my issues: ONLY WHILE RECORDING!!!
I get Phasing issues when I have both Faders full on while mixing makes the sound - sound Metallic
I notice that when my track on INput 5/6 is off there is a still signal being bled through from channel 3/4 and Vice Versa
The color effects Dub Echo and Space both give off a shrill like feedback sound and peaks the signal to the max on that channel.
The Beat Effects Echo sounds terriblepeak out more than normal
When I hit the Quantise button it changes the Master Tempo in Ableton to 134BPM everytime on both CHANNELS
I downloaded the Latency test from one of the other forums and it says everything is perfect.
Okay I just had an Idea and tried it out ( not while recording ) I changed the REC OUT to output 1/2 and I no longer had issues with the Color Effects ( DUB ECHO AND SPACE) I changed ti back to REC OUT on 7/8 and the issues where still there so obviously there is something wrong with the drivers.
any feedback would be great... the whole reason I purchased this was for the simple plug and play no having to mess with RCA and External SOundcards
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