Could you tell me how to send midi clock via midi port directly to synthesizer?and what to push and click? i can't make it happen with mine...
Hi I am wondering if the MIDI clock that is sent out the MIDI port on the back of the DJM900 sends the clock data with Quantize on the effects section turned on.
I run all my tracks through Rekordbox and edit the beat grids to be precise, and would like to send MIDI clock data out of the mixer to help control my visuals & lights in time. I know this is already possible as I've tested it, but I am wondering if the clock data it sends out reads from the quantize value or if it still is based off the internal BPM calculation of the DJM900
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Could you tell me how to send midi clock via midi port directly to synthesizer?and what to push and click? i can't make it happen with mine...
I'm not sending it a synthesizer so i'm not sure. I have a controller with a MIDI in port. The controller plugs into my computer and in my visuals software I can select it as a source for MIDI clock. according to the manual, MIDI clock is sent constantly, no matter what. You don't need to press MIDI ON at the top of the 900, you only need to do that to send MIDI messages for the knobs, buttons & faders of the mixer
ok, i know how to do it with a computer, hope you did it directly by cable from mixer to any dmx controler into a midi port in
Yes, that is what I did. A MIDI cable out of the DJM900 into my Livid Instruments Code2 MIDI IN port. The Code hooks up to my computer via USB.
Anyway, all I'm wondering is if the Rekordbox Quantize BPM value gets passed out the MIDI clock or if it's solely passing the on board bpm reading. If it's the latter, possible to update that in a future firmware?
Sorry I missed the part you said DMX. That is sort of what I am looking to do, however, what I am doing is running it through my visuals software VDMX which can also send out DMX lighting addresses over Artnet. I am not sure how to do it direct into a DMX controller
ok. but the question you asked is good aswell ;)waiting for the answer with you
so does anyone from pioneer actually work on these boards? or???
lol, guess not. one week later, no reply from pioneer. GOOD JOB GUYS!
No Pioneer employees work here to answer your questions, but I'm here and I can tell you that no, the DJM does not send a true MIDI "clock" signal, instead it sends the BPM clock.
Right. But does that bpm clock send the "quantized" signal when the djm900 is linked into cdj2000's & rekordbox?
If not, is it possible to get it to send the quantized signal from an update?
The reason I'm asking, is because if I can get the rekordbox exact BPM to send the clock out, then i can have my lighting & visuals 100% in sync. If this does get implemented, I could see a LOT of visual & lighting artists start using that feature to have their stuff in sync easily
I know it's a BPM clock, there's a difference between midi Timecode and Midi clock. Djm900 sends clock (bpm value) which is exactly what I want
Like how can I explain this better. I know djm900 sends bpm data out of midi port.
When you use rekordbox and turn on the blue quantize button on the djm900 which overrides the BPM of the effects section with the "true" bpm pulled from the rekordbox data of the song instead of constantly "guessing" the bpm (usually accurate, but not 100%)
All I want to know is if I have quantize turned on, is it still sending the "guessed" bpm or is it sending the rekordbox quantize bpm?
The BPM value sent depends on the source of the signal to the mixer; if it's a rekordbox track with accurate BPM, it sends that data. If it is audio, it will measure the signal and determine the BPM, then send that. There is nothing "quantized" as the BPM isn't sent on a "pulse" but rather a continuous stream of data.
Pulse, then why is there a blue "Quantize" button the effects section of the DJM900
That's for the onboard effects when the mixer is linked with rekordbox players - it has nothing to do with outbound MIDI BPM clock.
Right, here me out pulse. Usually the djm900's effects like echo & delay are reading the bpm from the "auto bpm". But if you press the quantize button it reads the bpm from the rekordbox grid of the file so that the echo & delay's bpm divisions are exact to the rekordbox grid of the bpm. In the rekordbox program, when you play a file, next to the waveform display is a little white arrow. Click that, you can edit the bpm grid. Including putting in exact tempo transitions, that make the CDJ BPM display the exact tempo. Example: you have a song that starts at 128 bpm (electro), the breakdown builds up to 174 bpm (DNB). At the drop it's exactly 174 bpm, so you adjust the markers on the rekordbox grid. Since the quantize function on the djm900 reads the rekordbox grid bpm of the track playing, the bpm readout on the djm900 will exactly read the change of tempo. So if you had an echo turned, it would stay in sync to the tempo change. Does the midi out port of the djm900 send the bpm of the "quantized" rekordbox grid information. Or is it sending the usual "auto bpm" button method of bpm detection (aka Quantize button on djm900 turned off)
If it sends the quantized bpm then this is great because my lights & visuals computer can take in midi clock from djm900 and they would be 100% in sync with my DJ sets, so long as all my tracks are ran through rekordbox and the bpm grids are adjusted to be perfect (kinda like you adjust warp grid in Ableton).
If not, is there a way a software update can be implemented to instead of always reading bpm from "auto bpm" detection, when "quantize" button is pressed, it sends the bpm grid clock data of that.
It's a very advanced feature. I am going to maybe make a video to explain.
You are asking advanced stuff here. The thing I don't understand is why don't you test it?
You seem to have the equipment, the only thing you may need to buy is the appropriate cable.
I've bought a midi to usb cable, €25,- works perfectly.
When I pitch up, the lights will go faster as well
As far as I understand you will adjust the beatgrid to match the 174bpm, that seems a lot of work, though.
I think it will work, but far too much work for me
@dsq > It sends BPM information; if that information comes via rekordbox link data, that's the source. If there is no rekordbox grid data, the mixer analyses the audio signal and the effects engine BPM is the source. I've already answered you that. There is NO quantization data available to be sent over MIDI, only BPM values. I understand what you're asking, and I'm answering that, no video necessary.
I've made a free software tool "Sound 2 FreestylerDMX - 1.0"
The tool synchronizes DMX lights to FreeStyler by the use of midi clock a midi supported DJ mixer. E.g. Pioneer DJM900
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BBpCtOFOUg