It's only designed to connect 2 speakers, so you're only getting the first and last communicating with the controller. Sorry!
how to conect sdj08 and sdj05, i have pair of 08 and 05 and i want to conect all together. i have 3 link cables from pioneer and I conected all 4 speakers and they dont want do work. when i want to turn on speakers using controler only one sepaker is working, or only the firs and the last is working. please help me, how to conect thoes 4 speakers. sorry for my english but I
m from Poland :)
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It's only designed to connect 2 speakers, so you're only getting the first and last communicating with the controller. Sorry!
the bigest fail of the Pioneer company :( now i must use 2 controlers ;/
@vasil1987 > It wasn't exactly expected that users would purchase more than 1 set for use at the same time.
I don't think that's a fair assessment -- you're wanting to do something outside of the normal operating / design parameters, it's not a fail by any means.
That's like saying "I want to take 3D photos with my iPhone, but because it doesn't have two lenses, I have to fake it with software. Fail!" Wrong!