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[SOLVED] SDJ need an extra woofers

To get a clear idea of sound that you will hear in the club , the SDJ's needs an extra woofer . The bass on them is not enough .

Just like KRK that have extra woofers too for there monitor speaker , Pioneer should make one too .


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I think the sound from them is perfect right across the audio spectrum. I've certainly never said "these speakers need more bass". What do you find lacking about them? Have you adjusted the EQ settings etc?

Gavin 0 votes
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the woofers brings bass that even if you put the bass on the SDJ to the max , you will not hear that . 

There was a survey here on this forum about 5-6 months ago asking if we were using woofers with our SDJ's and what brand . Do you remember about it ? Is Pioneer working on that ? 

ali_you 0 votes
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Just out of curiosity, are you using 05s or 08s?

Yes, I do remember. I'm not in a position to comment, sorry.

Gavin 0 votes
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I think they give an accurate representation of a tracks bass but if ur looking to use outside of true monitoring, yes, i agree that more bass is needed,,,

Thats what subwoofers are for.. Add one and ull be all set.. If i set up the sdj08s for a party at my house or outdoors, i use a sub (12 inches i think) and either use the subwoofer crossover or just run two main outputs using booth vol control..

It depends what ur trying to do tho but generally speaking if u want more bass - add a sub

Kevin Savage 0 votes
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I think you're expecting the Monitors to act more like portable speakers - obviously when there is a crowd involved you'll need more bass as it can be absorbed. But for monitoring purposes I'm wondering would anyone actually go to the trouble / expense of purchasing subs...? Thats just my opinion though.

I'll certainly forward your suggestion that you would purchase some if they were available and thanks for your feedback!

Gavin 0 votes
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I agree completely.. For home personal use for prod or just dj practice, the sdj05s are perfect..

But when i wanna do a house party or bring system outdoors, i find that adding a sub makes a huuuuuge difference.. Obviously its not a pro PA but i have one of those krk subs (the smallest one).. I usually just run the sub from booth madter and keep it turned down a bit..

On similar topic tho.. Does anybody else find the sdjs are a lil harsh on the highs? I find it really fatigues my ers quick when im sitting close to em... Any tricks? Or is it just me?

Kevin Savage 0 votes
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@Kevin > That makes sense and I think this may be what ali_you is trying to achieve. As for the Highs etc, have you tried adjusting the EQs?

Gavin 0 votes
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