Thanks for your feedback, glad you like the headphones! :)
Quick shout out to Pioneer for their AMAZING HDJ2000's.
After years of using HD25's, I figured I'd never find a better pair of headphones anytime soon and never bothered looking around.
I bought the HDJ2000's after hearing other DJ's rave about them. The second I put them on was sex. The MOST comfortable cans EVER. Sound quality is AMAZING. They look awesome. They are sturdy as anything.
I hear the question "what are the best headphones for DJ-ing" all the time, and if any of you out there are tossing up between headphones, I would simply say GET THESE. End of story.
I am literally that impressed that I felt the need to come here and share. Buy the best people! :)
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Thanks for your feedback, glad you like the headphones! :)
Congrats on your purchase Mercer, we appreciate your feedback!
I completely agree with you. Having owned Beats by Dre, Audio Technica, and other brand of headphones, I can say these are the best I've ever owned. They have the best sound, and are the most comfortable headphones you'll ever own. They are really good both for casual listening and DJing/Production (even though I tend to use my HDJ500s for casual listening due to the higher potability/lighter weight).
+1 Best headphones I've ever had!
Great headphones, better than the AKG's I use on radio. Absolutely great.
Guys, they are indeed sounding magnificent.
**But... please tell your opinions about they comfortableness. **My ears start to hurt after couple of hours wearing them...
Well they do start hurting a little after around 5 hours of usage, but this happens (for me at least) on every headphones I've owned. Compared to other brands I find that they're more comfortable, and last longer before they start hurting me.
They are greatly comfortable, trust me, give them a go. I can have them on for long sessions, where as the 1000's i found to be annoying. Very soft ear shells, like cushions.
@Ryan Thing is I have them but as I said the skin on my ears starts to hurt after couple of hours cause it's being 'pressed'.
Well all ears are different in size and shape... My HDJ-2000 are really comfy but I don't use them for hours... I use them for beat matching (15-30 sec./track). But sometimes I listen to other peoples mixes and then wear them for an hour or two but they still feels comfy for me.
@ SB > After a few hours surely this is to be expected. They are quite pressed in on your ears for better noise isolation but as has been said above, everyone's head comes in different shapes and sizes so what is tolerable will vary from person to person.
I must have small ears because I don't get any discomfort for wearing these for an extended period.... they seem to mould to my head.
Perhaps a match made in heaven?
Ah, just created a thread of a very similar topic.
@Gavin, one thing I found with the HDJ1000's was after about an hour or so, they were quite heavy around my neck, even causing me to get headaches until I twitched and cracked my neck to loosen it up. (One of the deciding factors to ditch them in favour of HD25s)
How does the build quality compare with the HDJ1000's? I broke two pairs in three years (The other deciding factor in jumping ship to HD25s... Combined with Pioneer Australia's extraordinarily rude phone support at the time.)
@Angus - I also owned the HDJ1000, however I was one of the lucky ones I guess and mine never broke, but with you I also found them to be quite uncomfortable after long periods.
Then like you I bought myself the HD25's. Loved them but I wanted the 'over the ear' feel.
The build quality between the HDJ1000's and 2000's is chalk and cheese. I can see my HDJ2000's lasting for years - the magnesium joints will hold up even if used daily. Just keep them in a case to prevent damage to and from gigs :)
I jumped from HD25's to HDJ2000's and I'll never look back - thats my 2 cents anyway.
@Angus > I've never heard of anyone complaining of that before - was the discomfort at the back of your neck?
I've got a ginormous melon and I monitor in-headphone; I don't use monitor speakers to mix. I can wear them for much longer than many other headphones, both Pioneer and other manufacturers. That's not to say my ears don't start to feel it after extended periods, but they feel much better than after wearing some others that feel like I've had my head in a vice!
@Gavin: Yeah it was. I have a stiff neck alot of the time though, but the HDJ1000's did manage to make it worse.
Hmm- I tested the 2000's yesterday and these are my results:
Optical design is amazing. They are looking great.
They are fiting better at my head as the 1000's do. More softley, means more comfortably.
Sound: I am very disappointed. The Sound of high frequencies is a little bit better but the bass - where is the bass???
Bass sounds very flatt at the 2000's.
I had a direct comarison of both Headphones at an Pioneer-Dealer. So it schould be original Stuff.
If I need new HDJ's my decision would be again the HDJ-1000's - for shure.
I love my HDJ-2000s so much that I make everyone I play with try them on. They're the most comfortable headphones I've ever worn, they sound great, and they're sturdy and durable. My last headphones (Technics) gave me headaches because they were so tight on my head… in fact, I broke them to the point of one ear cup actually falling off my head (haha!) because I would try to stretch them wider to relieve the pressure.
Mark90 said it best (from the old forums), when he compared the HDJ-2000s to having his "head caressed and massaged by angels wearing gloves made of duckling feathers and kittens fur." Haha! That has never stopped making me laugh. :-)
toni_g had an equally worthy description: "It felt like a maiden had her soft, silky , white thighs wrapped around my melon shaped, head."
What more do you need to know? Haha!
Bass complaint? How? I think the bass rages, AND you can crank it up without it hurting. (not that i'm suggesting that)
Hmm, I turned the bass-level to max but it took not a big effect.
If I get a chance, I'll test them again. Maybe they have been broken - who knows.
This could be a reason why ... I hope so ;-)
A year passed along & they still make me go wow, great headphones. ;)
why are my ears becomeing realy hot from these headphones (the hdj-2000
I love my HDJ 2000's, and they are the best DJ HEADPHONES by far!