Oh I also forgot to mention that the top of the headband was also releasing like a greasy residue. (before I cleaned it)
Hi, guys I'm having a real stressful moment right now because I bought a pair of these headphones a while back from [EDIT] in the uk. (A reputable retailer I believe), and I never used them because they were so nice, I just had them stashed away in their box so they were practically new and in mint condition. So I pulled them out today just to play with them, when i noticed something odd. The top part of the headband felt sticky to the touch, and the pioneer logo had a black smudge on it. So I attempted to clean it gently with a little bit of water and a paper towel and I actually made it worse. The pioneer logo silver paint was beginning to come off. The stickyness of the headband did not come off so I got a microfiber cloth and began to clean it with a little soap. So that took care of the stickyness but the entire paint on the logo came off. So I was wondering if the pair I have received are fake so I was looking up pictures of fakes and they look %100 percent authentic. (or maybe they're just really good fakes) ill post some pictures up, but I'm confused and upset as to why this happened. Did I maybe get a pair from a bad batch. I have my receipt from juno records still ( are they an authorized retailer though?) I'm wondering if this happened because I have stored them in the carrying case they came with, because I don't remember them being sticky when I purchased them. Keep in mind that I have never used them (for dj gigs etc) they were in mint condition, and nobody else had access to them. I'm just really upset because they are ruined now. =(
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Oh I also forgot to mention that the top of the headband was also releasing like a greasy residue. (before I cleaned it)
@Jesus > they look genuine and, given that you bought them from a reputable dealer (I know them), also leads me to believe they are a genuine pair.
I would imagine its moisture developing around the rubber/plastic that is causing this issue to develop.
I have the same problem. HDJ 2000 Black
purchased one week.
I had a "spare" pair of HDJ-2000s that were in a UDG case for nearly 3 years- when I opened the case up it was also little greasy/sticky. Mine are originals cause the team at Pioneer Gulf passed them along- I think it's the lack of oxygen or being in storage too long or... something went weird with the headband that's for sure
Since I took them out of the case and use them with my home set-up, the stickyness dried up, but still looks weird- so we all have the same issue... with the pair I use on the road it hasn't happened
@Marco > Did you purchase your headphones from an authorised retailer? Can you post additional pictures of the headphones in their entirety, including the hinges / cups. I really can't see anything in those pictures you posted.
@Marcos, @Jesus and @Madjam > I'm going to email all of you individually, please check your email.
@Jesus > I'm getting an email bounce back from your address, can you provide an alternative so I can email you?
Closed due to lack of response.