@Chris > Where are you located? Have you gotten in touch with technical support to organise a repair?
We can't give any information in relation to repairing units (we're not allowed and don't have the information anyway).
I purchased the HDJ-500s approximately 1 year ago, but I am unsure of the exact purchase date and no longer have the original receipt, so I have no way of finding out if the warranty is still in effect. Several weeks ago, I started to notice cracks in the headband of the headphones. Some of the cracks have gotten so large that the headphones no longer sit on my head evenly. Other than that, the headphones still work and sound great. I have tried searching for replacement parts but the prices I've found for a replacement headband are ridiculous (around $100, about the same as a new pair of headphones) and they are not in stock. It seems other people have had this same problem, and I was curious why Pioneer does not offer more replacement parts at a more reasonable price. I am sure the headband is a frequently broken part. This is the first issue I have had with a Pioneer product, and I own a few (CDJ2000s, DJM700, SDJ08s), but I am definitely deterred from buying another pair of Pioneer headphones. Please let me know if anyone has any other ideas for fixing these.
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@Chris > Where are you located? Have you gotten in touch with technical support to organise a repair?
We can't give any information in relation to repairing units (we're not allowed and don't have the information anyway).
I am in West Virginia, United States. Zip code 25428. I haven't contacted tech support yet, tried calling the tech support number but sat on hold for a while and gave up...I guess I should try that again?
@Chris > Yes, please do.
I have the exact same issue just noticed a few days ago. Hope there is a cheap fix, considering mine aren't even 6 months old
@Dylan > Return them for repair or replacement under warranty where you bought them.
So I finally got around to calling the tech support number, and the woman I talked to told me that they are "typically not repairable units." She was even hesitant to give me the number for an authorized service center, because apparently the parts are not available. I find it odd that pioneer is giving me these conflicting answers, and am very disappointed in the quality of the customer service I received over the phone.
@Dylan > Have you had any luck with repairing your set? I really would like to fix them if possible, they were great headphones until I started having this issue.
@Chris > I apologise you had an unpleasant experience. Were you able to find the part or organise a repair through the authorised service centre?
No, she wouldn't even locate one for me because they apparently would not have the parts.
@Chris > Did she give you any solution to your problem?
No, basically she just told me that they are not repairable and replacement parts are not available.
@Chris > Ok, let me get some information and see if there's anything I can do for you.
Thanks, I certainly appreciate it.
@Chris > I'm not after forgetting about you - I've managed to get in contact with my US colleague (today) to find out more information.
@Chris > I will be forwarding your address to my colleague who I expect will be in touch with you very soon. I apologise for the delay and any inconvenience.
Ok, I will wait to hear from them. Thank you for all your help!
@Chris > You're welcome!