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HDJ 1500 needs new cable

My HDJ 1500 cable was destroyed and I need a new one. 

Multiple people have said the same thing, and most of them have been answered by somebody named Gavin who seems to have never seen the cable.

They are not interchangeable with the HDJ2000 cord.

They are not a standard 3.5mm AUX. 

They end that goes in the headphones is some weird connector that I think is actually a 3/36" AUX that has some locking mechanism at the bottom. 

I need to buy a new cord/cable and The only other person who seems to have been able to order it said it was $100 for the cord. 

That is an unacceptable price, that's 60% of what I paid for the headphones. 

I need this cord. 

Please respond. 

Attached is a picture of the cable I need to replace.

Andrew Batz

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The cord is available here 


for $XYZ

That price is ridiculous. 

You are telling me that 50% of the cost of the headphones is the cord? No. 

This is at most a $ZYX cord, and that is being generous. 

Someone please help me get a cord so I can use my headphones (that I LOVE) at a price a normal person can afford. 

This doesn't contain fiber optics, or even any specialty components. It is a nice coiled cord with a seemingly proprietary connector. 

Who do I need to talk to to get this cord?

Andrew Batz 0 votes
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@Andrew > I believe it is a 3.5mm to 2.5mm cable.

There may or may not be some cables on eBay or Monoprice... shh!

Gavin 0 votes
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I just ended up giving up and soldering on a new jack. 


Sorry, the fact I had to splice cable made me quite irritable. 

Andrew Batz 0 votes
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I know that often times, accessories can be expensive (power cords/adaptors/units) but I agree with @Gavin about looking around. 

Jay 0 votes
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<EDIT> Sorry, no posting of prices online as this is an international forum. </EDIT>

Bodega Beater 0 votes
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andrew, can you post a pic of your new jack you soldered on the phones??

I want to do something more solid, the original jack is WEAK...

Addison Ulhaq 0 votes
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