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HDJ 2000 MK2 Availability

I have seen the other closed thread from three weeks ago asking about shipping dates, which you referred that person to the retailer.  Well, I purchased some from a retailer on the 1st of April, and they can't get any answers from you guys about when they're going to be in.  So I'm on here posting for anyone that's looking for them, they still aren't out yet, and apparently you, the manufacturer, are being all shady about what's going on.  I'd really like to know since I dropped $350 on some headphones I have yet to even see in person.  Leap of faith requires some backing, so please, find out when these g*%#amn things are going to ship or I'm going to sell my soul and buy some Beats.

Brandon Jenkins

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@Brandon > The retailer you spoke with probably didn't speak with his Pioneer sales rep to get updated information. I just called the sales manager and he told me there was a slight delay on the Pioneer end, but they should be arriving at the end of May.

I assure you there is nothing shady going on and if your retailer required you to make a full payment in advance of them having stock to sell you, THAT is the only thing shady I can see. I would understand if they wanted a deposit of like $50, but a full payment is a bit odd.

Pulse 0 votes
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I appreciate the info, and you make a very good point.  As it is 2 1/2 months isn't really a slight delay either, I'd call that a full-on delay.  To clarify another thing, since investigating it further I've found my credit card has not actually been charged by the company, it's in a sort of hold and has been for the whole time, and reflected only in my available balance that I saw.  TMI, I know, but I just wanted to let you know there's nobody out there scamming people for these things.  I do look forward to getting them though, and thanks again for looking into it.

Brandon Jenkins 0 votes
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