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EFX 1000 & Quantise

like the title suggests, can the EFX 1000 respond to the beat grid sent from CDJ2000/rekordbox via the DJM2000. i Have 2 CDJ2000 and a DJM 2000 and was wondering if i bought an EFX 1000 would the effects be quantised?


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Nope. This is way wierd as i was just thinking the same thing about half hour ago while i was watching zabeila videos.

But the efx will not cope with the technology hence were waiting for the efx2000 to come into play .... the efx 1000 is over send and return and the only quantised fx are on the djm2k

if im wrong maybe an admin will put me straight.

Nick Hilton 0 votes
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thanks guys, what about connecting through both send and return and midi, will the 2000 send a midi clock? will this keep the BPM accurate?. if the EFX 1000 won't be quantised i would at least like an accurate BPM

Marsano 0 votes
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The efx is fairly accurate anyway as it has a bpm counter on it,

Check out some of james zabielas videos on youtube for working with the efx they are a great source of information.

Nick Hilton 0 votes
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So the midi port is just for controlling and not reading bpm?

Marsano 0 votes
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MIDI-IN is for controlling certain aspects of the EFX without touching the EFX; this is handy for pre-programmed effects using a sequencer program on your computer or other hardware.

MIDI-OUT sends BPM and control information.

Pulse 0 votes
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MIDI-IN is for controlling certain aspects of the EFX without touching the EFX; this is handy for pre-programmed effects using a sequencer program on your computer or other hardware.

*like the djm2000?


Nick Hilton 0 votes
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Sure, you could use the DJM-2000 to send automation to the EFX-1000, provided the CC's are matched...

Pulse 0 votes
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Control cables?

Please could you give me an idea of how to map this as it would allow double fx if i am correct?

would it be too much of an ask to see if there is any documentation?

for this i am excited :) i may actually be able to use the midi maps for something constructive :)

Nick Hilton 0 votes
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Short MIDI primer...

MIDI has 16 channels.

On each channel you can have up to 128 notes (0-127).

Each note can have a value ranging from 0-127.

Notes can be combined using MSB (most significant byte) and LSB (least significant byte) to multiply the signal's resolution to 16,384 steps instead of just 128.

Notes are sometimes referred to as CC's for either Controller Command or Continuous Control.

So, to answer your questions about using the DJM-2000 to control the EFX-1000 ... the answer is "Yes, but poorly."  I say this having spent about 4 hours today tinkering around with the MIDI on both the EFX and the DJM2000.  On the plus side, not only did I get you a definitive answer, but I've created a MIDI chart to complement the one already found in the manual, more details to come on that at a later time.

See, both pieces of hardware have all of their MIDI signals pre-defined as to which note they'll be on.  As an example. the channel 3 trim control of the mixer is on** 0C** (that's hex; the decimal equivalent is 12).  The EFX-1000 uses 0C as the MSB for the beat timing.  In order to properly use an MSB you also need an LSB pair.  The pair for that beat timing is 2C, which, on the DJM-1000 is not assigned.  You could use, as another example, the channel 4 low EQ knob to control the Jog Break Character value because their control of 52 (bin 82) match and they're the same kind of control (a knob).

You're honestly better off using a sequencing software that allows you to selectively send specific MIDI codes to properly control it.

Pulse 0 votes
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Now that's a shame. I take it pioneer won't release a re-mapping utility for mac osx and efx 1000

Marsano 0 votes
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No; those assignments are fixed.  You could, however, via a MIDI interface on your computer and a nifty piece of software, translate the incoming codes from whatever control to the appropriate codes for the EFX to understand and make use-of.

Pulse 0 votes
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Can I send midi clock (BPM) information from Traktor to EFX-1000? 

Lénárd András Kiss 0 votes
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