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[SOLVED] RMX-1000 help

Hi guys, I am a user of Pioneer DDJ-T1's. My question is can the RMX-1000 be used with this and traktor? I am pretty new to the digital DJ scene and I dnt want to end up buying stuff for the sake of it! For example I have purchased Novation launchpad and have no clue how to use it with Ableton. The RMX-1000 looks amazing but I onnly want it if it can be used with my kit I have. Maybe there is another option for me, if so does anyone know it?


Ross McNally

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@Ross > Yes and no.  You can certainly use the RMX-1000 as a post-master device, connecting it between the output of the DDJ-T1 and whatever you have downstream (be it speakers, a recording device, etc), but I simply wouldn't add it to that setup.  The RMX begs to be used in a send/return loop environment, not partnered as an output effects unit for a controller.

Pulse 0 votes
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@Pulse thanks for your help, that is a shame as it looks an amazing bit of kit! So is there anything you can recommend I get? I would like to add something to my set up to keep it fresh and exciting. Do you think the DDJ T1's are a good enough set up for live gigs etc?

Ross McNally 0 votes
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To keep the cost down and keep it functional i would suggest an efx 1000 as now the rmx is due out you can see the efx's all going pretty cheep second hand on the fleabay site.

Nick Hilton 0 votes
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Even the EFX are unlikely to drop significantly in price - the 500 certainly didn't when it was discontinued. And please don't use eBay!

Gavin 0 votes
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I wouldn't say that you shouldn't buy it because it's still awesome, but in order to get the most out of it, a DJM mixer (or similar) would be the better bet.  You could certainly still connect it post-master and you'd enjoy it all the same.

Pulse 0 votes
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understood, as I say I just want to add more to my setup as I dont want to fall behind. I ma happy spending money on the RMX but if I am not getting its full use I may not bother. The EFX would be ok to use with my setup then? no send/return issues?

Ross McNally 0 votes
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The EFX and RMX work in pretty much the same way; they're audio effect processing units which take an input signal and send an ouput.  They're both best used as send/return (or auxiliary loop) devices, but either one could be used post-master and it would still be fun, just not as useful.

Pulse 0 votes
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Ok thank you, is there any benefit or any point adding a CDJ to the setup and can you do this more importantly. The DDJ's are obviously very reliant on the laptop and that worries me. Can a CDJ be added and can you mix with the DDJ and the CDJ working together?

Ross McNally 0 votes
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Without a proper mixer, there's really no sense in adding a CDJ to the DDJ.  While you could connect a CDJ to the Aux input of the DDJ, you lose one of Traktor's decks as you must assign the input to a deck.

Pulse 0 votes
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If you loop this in Auxilary in Traktor Pro, can you not just play the input as C or D & keep the other 3 decks free for mixing? That way can't you record through it too? This would surely work for an EFX?

Thomas Graham 0 votes
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I haven't tested it out, primarily because if I have an EFX or RMX connected, it's via the S/R loop on my mixer, even if I'm using software.

Pulse 0 votes
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Think it would work running Traktor Pro? would be nice to fire my EFX through my midi cable to record.

Thomas Graham 0 votes
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@Thomas > What is it you're planning on doing?  The MIDI would certainly send to control the software, but are you wanting to use the EFX in an AUX-loop from the software?

Pulse 0 votes
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Well I have my setup like this. DDJ T1 through direct USB from PC. Master Out 1 TRS to EFX 500 & then EFX 500 phono to phono on my amp. Just wondering if I fire Phono out on EFX as well, will it allow me to then remix my EFX signal again & record the sounds through my MIDI?

Thomas Graham 0 votes
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Gonna upgrade to Traktor Pro 2.5 next week too, so wouldn't mind buying an Audio 2 if this will help as the software comes free with them.

Thomas Graham 0 votes
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No - once you've gone out from the mixer's master, you have nothing beyond that point coming back to the computer, so you wouldn't record the EFX.  And just to verify, when you say "phono" you mean the RCA connectors and not actually a phono (turntable) connection (on your amplifier).

Pulse 0 votes
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OK cool, thank you. Just whilst you guys seem to have a better idea than me, if I got a Audio 2 from Traktor/NI, why is it literally the same price for just the software alone, like surely it has an advantage? Don't know why you'd need to split a signal twice though at that level

Thomas Graham 0 votes
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I can't recall, but the Audio2 may only come with Traktor Duo (the 2 deck version).

Pulse 0 votes
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Hello, I am a user of ddj ergo, Can i use the RMX 1000 and record my sets with the effects produced by the RMX 1000? thanks

Toro Mencos 0 votes
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@Toro i am in the same boat as you, i have the ddj ergo and rmx 1000 and want to record my sets with effects produced from rmx but not sure how to hook up the system. Please please some help guys. Thanks

Sudeer Singh 0 votes
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how cani record the effects of rmx when mixing a set using ddj t1 on traktor..i recored a set and when i played it..the effects of the rmx were not there...please help me out

ammar alamgir 0 votes
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With regards to recording the audio effects of the RMX when using a controller, you would need to send the master signal out from the controller to the input of the RMX, then from the RMX to the AUX input on the controller.  Within the software you need to assign the AUX input as the recording source input.  Instructions on setting that can be found in the help manual or support website of the software you use.

Pulse 0 votes
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good day everyone! 

i am new to this forum. MY name is Ryan, and a DJ from the Philippines. 

i have a question to our kind pioneer DJs (pulse and Gavin). I would like to use the RMX 1000 as post master. I currently do a lot of mobile events, so, a controller is the more practical device. my question is:

would the quantize still work with it being a post master? i may have to nudge it to perfectly sync it (maybe)?

 thanks and best regards,



Ryan Uybengkee 0 votes
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Hi Ryan,


Post master shouldn't affect the quantize just so long as the tracks have been analysed in rekordbox. Mine works a treat 

PaulM72 0 votes
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@Ryan > Welcome to the forums.

The RMX is able to Quantize-in-place i.e. the unit can Quantize the tracks itself. Obviously, if you are using rekordbox prepared files it helps. The nudge option is there just in case things aren't exactly spot on but in my experience I've not needed that much.

Gavin 0 votes
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@gavin and @Paulm72,

Thank you guys for the response. IT is much appreciated.

Im asking , since i am planning to purchase one for my mobile use. As mentioned, my set up is a midi controller. The set up is: master out (rca, from the controller) then (post master) in to the RMX 1000, then out (to another amplifier etc).

I am not too familiar (yet with rekordbox), and i will definitely research more on it.

all i wanted to know is if it works as post master without me using as send-return (since this is impossible to do with a controller).



Ryan Uybengkee 0 votes
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@Ryan > That will absolutely work - the drawback, however, is that you can only apply the effects to the Master and not an individual channel. If you are using a controller rather than CDJs for example, you don't need to worry about rekordbox.

Gavin 0 votes
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Wow... what quick reply. .and thank you for that info. I will definitely purchase an RMX 1000 if that's the case. :-)


Thank you and more power!



Ryan Uybengkee 0 votes
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Just got the rmx-1000 love the kit but got it running into A pioneer ddj-s1 when I've done a mix and recorded my set its not recorded the rmx samples and effects can I get round this so it records on serato itch? As its doing my head in lol please can any one help or have I just wasted £500 pound ?

paul skolosdra 0 votes
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