Wow ! how did you get one already ? are they available in the UK ?
Well... wow. Pioneer weren't kidding, they said available in May and this thing lands on my doorstep on the 1st May! I'm in the UK.
First impressions? Tidy, solid unit. Not plasticky like the EFX. Slightly bigger than I imagined but that's a good thing. Very pretty, lots of lovely lights and a whole load of instantly available options open to you. That said, it's very accessible and you'll start going wild on the FX right away and (maybe) read the manual later. It's easy to see the power and flexibility when controlling the different parameters on the FX.
A note to UK people, this one arrived only containing a Euro mains lead, so you might need to make sure you have a "figure of eight" mains lead spare. No need to worry about voltages, the RMX is powered using a 5V DC adapter.
Quantize seems very, very good. And when you're using the drum samples the nudge buttons work quickly and effectively.
This is definitely a step away from the 'traditional' effects, kind of sad in a way but this fresh sound is way more fluid. It's noticably 'echo heavy' and a portion of the basic FX are achievable on other mixers by combining echo and filters, however there isn't much overlap at all. The Isolater section will take a lot more time to get rich results, but I can see myself spending ages fiddling with this. The sample section is a LOT of fun.
I'm using the device as in-line master, and will probably go for send/return in the end. It would be nice to combine my DJM-2000 and RMX effects, but you seriously just don't have enough hands. All of these effects are very 'hands on' now, as opposed to the 'set it and forget it' nature of the DJMs 5/6/7/800 etc., so you need to be a ninja to really get the best out of both at the same time!
Anyway, I have a lot more playing to do! :D
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Wow ! how did you get one already ? are they available in the UK ?
I've got mine also and have to agree with everything you said Mark90. It's a great unit and will take some time to get the hang of all it's functions. I was also a bit surprised to see a euro plug in the box but had plenty spares in the house anyway so that wasn't a problem.
ali_you: Yes I'm in the UK. I pre-orded 2 months ago and it arrived yesterday (1st May).
Hesitant: yea the power lead issue is an odd one. I wasn't sure if it's a legal requirement for Pioneer (or the supplier maybe) to supply an appropriate power lead with a product.
Nice nice! only good things about the rmx 1000 :) I want one to!
But are there effects that aren't useful ? Like the zip on the djm 2000... you know what i mean mark :)
Yes I know what you mean :) It's a bit soon so I've haven't had chance to spend ages on the device. The Spiral effects are hard to use well without practice, as they are very "powerful". The Isolater effects have lots of potential, but again they will require time and practice to hone the good results.
As yet though, I haven't come across anything that isn't useful. As for the DJM-2000 Zip, it's not that bad, it can be used! Quite unlike the Harmonic on the 800! :P
Ok Mark! thanks a lot! I really appreciate the info :)
Haha yes , you need some more time with the RMX , I can understand that.... keep us up to date :)
Also , there is a Echo , without filter in the build up section...
Can you use it in combination with the Isolate FX? So that the echo is only effective on the MID and not on the HI / Low ?
Just like you can do on the djm 2000.... I want to know because that is my favorite :) I hope it will sound exactly the same!
One thing about the djm 2000's zip.... It's possible that it can be used , but not in my hands :p And i agree with the harmonic !! :D
TheOne: I had a look at combining the Scene FX with the Isolator. It seems the way the unit works is that the audio goes into the Isolator first, and then the Scene FX. So for example if you cut the bass, the bass from the source audio is cut and it's only then that what remains is echoed. So no, you cannot use the 3 isolator knobs to change what frequency range the Echo affects. HOWEVER! For the Echo, the parameter 2 knob on the RMX changes what frequency range the echo effects. If it is all the way to the left, all the frequencies are effected, if it's pointing straight up, it affects the mid + high, if it's all the way to the right it affects only the high.
If you're like me, you'll know that the echo is really nice when you cut the bass and keep the mid and high, so it might offer what you're after in this way?
When looking at this, I did realise though that the DJM-2000's send/return acts in a non-intuitive manner though. Decreasing the level/depth knob when using send/return only changes the overall volume (eg.all the way left is complete silence). It doesn't range between wet/dry, which I think is a bit odd.
Hey mark! Thanks for the reply!
Ow so it is a bit different...
just like you, I use the echo without the Bass and even without the High...
So the parameter 2 knob on the RMX is basically the Low/ Mid and High knob from the DJM 2000 combined to just one knob...
I think if you play with it you can achieve the same sound as if you where using only the MID knob on the djm 2000?
If you would turn it 75% to the right it should only effect the MID...
I'm guessing this from what you are telling..... 50% ( straight up) = MID + High and 100% right = Only high
But it is good to hear that you can select the frequency range.... That is the best thing on the djm 2000 :) Don't you think?
And I wouldn't be surprised if you can change the settings more precise in Remixbox! I keep my fingers crossed!!!
Hmm yeah that is a bit odd... it would have been better if the level/depth knob from the 2000 would range between wet/dry..
I always have my effect ON and the wet/dry knob to the left... so the effect is basically standby for when i need it..
So better watch out when you have the wet/dry knob to the left when you activate SEND/return :s
I'm sure that one day you will have a complete silence in your set just because you have forgotten to the put the level/depth knob Up .
Is it correct what i'm saying ? don't know if I understood it correctly.
That's mine all connected up now. Time to start learning how to use it:
@TheOne - The amount of control in Remixbox is amazing. A lot to learn and think most will be down to trial and error as some things like the roll are called Pattern 1 or 2 so no idea what the different will be.
@Hesitant - The more you can customize the better!! I agree that it will be trial and error in the beginning, but in the end you will be glad that you can set everything to your needs ;) A really nice job from Pioneer!!
The One: The parameter 2 knob is the low/mid/high knob all in one only for the echo effect, it does different things depending on the effect. And yes what you're saying about the wet/dry for send/return is correct. All the way to the left = silence if you activate send/return.
I can't wait to get one myself!! So i don't have to bother you anymore with questions :p
@Mark90 > congrats on your purchase! Glad you are enjoying the unit.
What did you take the picture with?
Thanks Gav! Took the pic with my Nikon D300s, Nikon 12mm wide angle lens and a Nikon flash. It's a very rough pic - my xmas one was much better. ;)
Pioneer gear is built to last and I would love to use this with my Traktor S4 purely for FX.
Does anyone know if Pioneer plan to release traktor mappings for this? My mapping skills are pretty weak.
got mine last weekend to. i defo need to get a stand so the rmx can be in the right postion for me, but i very happy.
And if anyone is wondering, I got in touch with Decksaver and they are apparently working on a cover for the RMX.
@Stripped Back - I made a stand for mine which took about half an hour to make. I've posted an image about 9 comments up. If anyone wants to see any more images of how it looks let me know and I'll upload some
Hesitant, I would like to see your stand! Looks very nice and stable for home a made!!
Also a question , If you use ADD on the isolate FX, You can echo only on mid? Mark will know where I'm going to..
TheOne - Here are some more pics for you. I'm from the UK and it cost me a total of £8 to make. I bought all parts from a local DIY store. It's made from wood. At the moment I've only put duct tape round the edges till I have some more time to finish it off properly.
nice! so it's all from wood...I could make a stand like that!
How did you place the plate in a low angle? I'm interested in the technical build process :)
Yeah it's very easy to build. I bought a sheet of wood which was the same width as the RMX (lucky find). I then measured the length of the RMX and cut to pieces of wood to that length. I measured the height of the DJM900 and bought a packet of small L brackets (4 pack) that would clear it taking into account the thickness of the wood also, then putting 2 of them side by side I measured and cut another 2 pieces of wood so they would sit neat.
Here are a couple of more pics which hopefully will make my description a little clearer.
Jep , now it's clear to me. Thanks! I'm keeping a home made stand in option ;) Besides , it isn't allot of work...
An official or professional made stand will no doubt come out sometime in the near future but will probably cost at least 4 times as much. I'll finish my stand of properly this weekend and post a pic once completed.
I'm off to HQ in two weeks time and I've it penciled in the diary to find out more about this stand ;)
The best thing about the RMX is the fact you can customize all the settings. I've already tweaked mine (over about 70% of the controls) and prefer my settings to the originals!