Will submit your feedback - thanks.
Something which gets me quite frequently is the BPF Echo coming in much louder than it needs to, especially at the low end. Perhaps this could be addressed as part of a future update?
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Will submit your feedback - thanks.
As a side note, customising the Filter setting to Narrow actually eases the issue, along with knocking a notch off the bass end of Parameter 1 if you want to as well.
Still, the Default and Wide filter options still come in too heavy making them very difficult to use without essentially planning them into a specific portion of a track/set.
Another suggestion - whether it is possible or not I'm unsure, is...
The ability to turn off Overdub, but have your sample pattern continue to play. Thus allowing you to 'fill' a pattern ad-hoc with samples, or the X-Pad, without actually adding to the Overdubbed pattern.