In my short experience with one, i didnt notice any major quantize issues but i did notice that having auto bpm turned on was not getting the best results.. Using TAP to adjust bpm slightly typically produced better synced fx overall..
I can honestly say that the unit is well over hyped.
Firstly I received the unit with no UK plug - I read on here that other members had this problem but I thought after waiting another 3 weeks for the unit this would have been resolved.
Looks pretty (matches with all my other pioneer equipment)
When using the X pad ,the quantize feature is FAR from accurate. All being said mine has been shipped with the 1.16 firmware. What I would like to know is will a firmware upgrade resolve this issue?
If I turn the quantize off it makes no difference.
All my other Pioneer equipment is pretty tight with the quantize feature.
I`m running this through a DJM 2000 through the send and return channel (TRS) is there anything I am doing wrong here?
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In my short experience with one, i didnt notice any major quantize issues but i did notice that having auto bpm turned on was not getting the best results.. Using TAP to adjust bpm slightly typically produced better synced fx overall..
The unit is definitely not syncing the effects very well.
Unfortunately I can't find my sd card to update the firmware.
I will try using the tap but I hope updating the firmware will improve it.
@Leee > If it arrived without a UK plug, what DID it arrive with?
As for the accuracy of the tempo, it is quite accurate and yes, updating does help it and future updates could refine it further.
Unfortunately the SD is required because the USB connection may be updated as part of the firmware update.
I noticed it seemed exactly one bpm off a good amount of the time which is why i was using tap to make the adjustment..
Or i wonder if i should have been using the nudge instead to make corrections? I tried that a few times but found the tap bpm adjustment worked better for me.
The bpm is alot better than the djm900 but not as tight as cdjs in my experience..
From what i found with rmx - fx were syncing well with auto bpm on and quant off or with mannually tapping bpm and quant on.
In any event, i think the bpm and quant are okay.. Just a matter of figuring out what works for what your doing.. Most of the time, i dont use quant with anything..
It came with a 2 pin power lead.
@Leee > It's a DC adapter with a removable cord -- if you purchased it in the UK, it should have come with a UK cord. Did you buy it in the UK and did you contact Pioneer for a replacement?
Yes I purchased it in the uk.
I rang the shop and they have sent me a uk lead in the post. Problem was I needed to use the unit Saturday night so had to go buy one from maplins.
I know of others that also didn't receive a uk lead.
Weird, I guess there was a mistake in the regional model shipments from Japan. At least they're replacing it for you!
its been mentioned many times that they arew coming with a euro plug,
Mine didnt have a uk plug on it.
You didnt need to buy a new one as a shaver adapter would have done the trick perfectly.
just got mine today and it didnt have a uk plug, im a bit pissed off about that tbh :/
mine didnt have a uk plug either, are there any out there? lol
as for the quantise its pretty bang on for me , im really impressed with this unit.
I'm running firmware 1.20 and the auto-BPM still seems to be a bit off sometimes, so tapping must be used. As there's no decimals in the counter, as on the CDJs, you can't be sure the correct BPM is detected, which means you've got to set it to .0 on the CDJs.
Furthermore the Remix Station often drift in tempo, when using auto-BPM and there's no 'clear' beat, instead of just holding the current BPM count. This means you've got to be fast or else the mix is ruined.
@Johnny > There is - press TAP then AUTO and you'll see the decimal. You can then press the + or - buttons to adjust the BPM decimal.
To lock the BPM, simply press the TAP or AUTO buttons once to disengage the AUTO mode and it won't wander during a break.
just to update on an earier post i made about a non uk plug, my stockist emailed me after my purchase to see if i was happy with it and i let them know it came with a euro plug instead of a uk one, they then ( no questions asked) sent the correct lead via first class delivery and i recieved it the very next day :) along with an email stating that the unit is packaged in japan and they dont have any control over the contents...