mines the same, its pretty much unusable, they should give us a volume setting in remixbox for every effect, just hope the next update fixes this, ive been waiting 5 weeks now :/
Hi all,
I've set up my input and output so that its coming in and peaking around 0db, and the same for output. However whenever using some of the buildup effects, the output levels go beyond wild. Particularly looking at Spiral up and Reverb, I've seen as much as going to +9db which seems a bit excessive.
Anyone else noticing this? The only work around I have found is to put the input at 0 and the output around -3 so the levels don't blow. That or keeping one finger on the output (or effect level on the mixer) dial
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mines the same, its pretty much unusable, they should give us a volume setting in remixbox for every effect, just hope the next update fixes this, ive been waiting 5 weeks now :/
Yup I don't use the later two build up effects when playing out for the same reason. Adjusting the master output on the RMX1000 is like adjusting the master output on the mixer just to control the effects volume. I personally would like to see the option to change the 2nd parameter knob to be a volume related dial
This is perfectly normal given the amount of "extra audio" the effects are creating. The comments have been sent back to the engineers regarding the levels being a bit louder than users would like and hopefully we'll see an update in the future to address this however there is no anticipated timeline for its release.
Thanks pulse... i would love to meet the pioneer engineers, those god-like human beings!
Super happy with the changes to the spiral in the new firmware (1.3.1)! Now usable without fear of the roof caving in from the crazy levels :)
Glad you're happy!