i had the same problem, tho it was only when i selected the scene 'echo' effect,
Recently bought an RMX-1000, I use it with two CDJ-2000s and a DJM-900 Nexus, and was excited to use it for my sets and then found out something is horribly wrong with my unit. When using my RMX-1000 I will receive complete loss of audio.
I have upgraded the firmware, tried different cables, different mixers, almost everything. Even after trying all those solutions, it will still just completely dump the audio in the middle of sets and I usually have to power cycle the unit.
Any help would be wonderful.
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i had the same problem, tho it was only when i selected the scene 'echo' effect,
What was your solution? I called Pioneer customer service and it was awful, offered only one solution, told me to just ship it to a repair center.... I don't know if im comfortable paying to ship a defective unit to a repair center without conformation.. and coming out of pocket on shipping costs. It sucks when I have bought at least 10K in Pioneer electronics and can't even resolve this problem. #endrant
i cant say 100% ive had a solution, the most recent update ''seems'' to have sorted it, but ive only used the rmx briefly since then, i'll be honest and say the reason is because i dont like the rmx 1000 and im fed up with it already, ive got sound level problems with my unit, where some effects are too loud and some are too low, which is unacceptable for me, plus the effects just dont seem that good. but i want to add that the bpm algorithm is very good and works well, tho to even out the argument other people think the rmx is fantastic, so my point of view may be tainted..... another reason could be that ive had the djm 2000 for a few years now and the effects are pretty good, (not as good as the 900nexus) but someone who owns a lesser mixer with no effects might think the rmx is the best thing since sliced bread....
Atm my rmx is up for sale, i just cant seem to bond with it, and i shall await until (hopefully) a rmx 2000 is released and see how me and it get along, but next time im going to wait a few months after release to purchase because i have a theory that a later built unit has more of a chance of having the faults ironed out.
heres a video i made a few months back of the sound problem i had + another guy that contacted me through youtube
Thanks for your 2 cents man, yea it has been more of a pain than a useful tool. Mine is completely random too, so I will be in the middle of a set and sound will just completely fall out, happened when I played a club in California, it was embarrassing.
I will have to warn all my friends to steer clear of this device until further notice. Hopefully it gets fixed or Pioneer actually gives me a reasonable solution rather than stiffing me for $800...
i wouldnt go so far as warn people off, my unit arrived 3 weeks before the set release date and the fault was passed on to pioneers engineers, id say any known defects where fixed quite quickly ( tho no product recall) that would be admitting a fail...... its highly unlikely a unit built now would suffer the same issues. ( + maby it was a firmware issue - time will tell... ) i dont really want to slate the rmx yet because i realize ive only touched the surface of its potential and i may have just got a bad unit, or my lack of interest now is hindering my progress......
btw, what firmware edition is installed in yours?
updated it to the latest firmware.
:/ i just hope mine is sorted, i also hate the thought of re-packaging it and posting it back at my own expense....
@ aaron elliott ..... I was in the same boat as you, got mine about 3 or 4 weeks ago and decided after a week that i'd sell it.
Just couldnt gel with it, the levels issue was a problem, although i've now solved that (see my other post), but I just couldnt seem to pair up with it for smooth effects etc.
However, I took it out for the first time in a live enviroment a week or so back and it absolutely rocked, I really got into it and it started to make more sense. I'm still not comfortable enough with it to use properly whilst doing recorded mixes but its starting to come together. My main problem is i like the Slip Roll and Echo on my DJM2000 more and its a pain constantly swapping between the DJM effects and the RMS (remembering to set everything on the DJM to 12 o/c before hitting enable on the Send/Effect ......)
It seems to go better with the new firmware 1.31. I only had the issue with the echo effect.
I remain convinced of my RMX-1000, certainly since it was the driver to replace my DJM-2000 in my set-up (not so mobile).
The BPM engine is good and for the samples and volume difference - I first get them through audacity to get them more or less to the same level.
I would have like some more flexibility yet, like additional effects, more grannularity on FX beat range, ...
But so far I 'm pleased (had one of the first in Europe).
@aaron > Are you still having problems with the echo cutting out the audio?
@James > Was the audio drop-out the same as noted in @aaron's video -- only when using the ECHO effect?
pulse, i cant say for certain as i sold mine a while back, tho the new firmware update did seem to fix it, as i never had any problems after that, but then again, i only used it a few times after updating
@Pulse, I confirm I still had the issue, but less frequent - might be that I got wary about using it ...
I do confirm it is ONLY on the ECHO effect, not others.
@DJ_LINK2U > I've tried to replicate this on a couple of mixers, including your exact setup and I've been unable to.
When was the last time you had the dropout? Have you noticed any dropouts since you updated the firmware?
Hi Gavin,
Sorry for the late reply - missed it. To be honest, no, it has not reappeared for a long while now...
It was independent from the mixer though ...
Firmware 1.31 solved it then ?
Kind regards,
@Link2u > Firmware v2.01 is now available: http://pioneerdj.com/support/product.php?c=1047&lang=en&p=RMX-1000&t=134