may be because the efx 1000 and 1000 are all rmx two different effects not it the same way
Hi, why zabiela continue using efx1000? is there functions that the rmx1000 doesnt have? thank you.
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may be because the efx 1000 and 1000 are all rmx two different effects not it the same way
@Augustin Check this video at 13:30, James is talking about the EFX-1000.
@Agustin > He is using both the RMX and EFX in that video. James is the master of creativity, he's just using all the tools available to him.
Hi, Thank you for the comments. But why is he using it? because he combines the two effectors? or the efx1000 has something that the rmx1000 doesn't have... Thank you!
Well yes, fundamentally they are two different units so they do have some individual features and functions. James has been using the EFX for many many years now - it's likely he is more use to that than the RMX.
Thank you. Maybe I am getting a friend's efx1000 for coins :P
Thank you. Maybe I am getting a friend's efx1000 for coins :P
I think he once said his sole use of the efx is for divide looping.. And the efx has larger roll memory (wink wink pioneer for the rmx)..
Even tho the rmx gives u pretty much the same ability now it def has a different feel to it and less memory of the roll length..
Id still take rmx over the efx..
Sorry meant feedback looping
Efx are great for feedback looping.
The rmx can also do a 1/8 roll/loop but you cant do the chopping like the EFX.
I meant 8/1 roll/ loop.
But only the EFX is able to do 16/1 feedbackloop.
i think one of the reasons maybe zabiela uses the efx 1000 because of the physical 8 beat buttons on the unit, it easier to press/play the one beat buttons on the efx 1000, opposed to turning the all 3 of the (low,mid high) source fx knobs on the rmx 1000. this where i think pioneer have done a good job with rmx 1000 as it so different from the efx 1000,in form and control.