May i ask where did you buy the rmx stand ?
My Official RMX stand just came in and it is lovely, except for one error I noticed with it - it covers the kensington lock hole.
I'm trying to find what will be the best way to open this up with out butchering the stand - but for some people, security is key. The RMX is so small compared to other DJ equipment that it is an easy run & grab - I like to keep this item locked down.
I know this isn't an issue with the effects unit itself, but it is still related to the RMX and produced by Pioneer. Not sure if they noticed this and figured that people just don't use the kensington lock very often or if they didn't even think about it - but maybe @Gavin or @Pulse you could pass this along to whoever would be responsible for this?
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May i ask where did you buy the rmx stand ?
A French website called sonovente they ship anywhere
@T-Top > Thanks, I've passed your feedback along. I believe they're actually produced by an external company.