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[CLOSED] Sep-C1 and Serato

I have SEP-C1, MacBook Pro 10.7 OS,  and Scratch live 2.3.1.  I plugged in the Sep-C1 and it worked amazing.  No mapping required.  The right deck works perfect however the left doesn't work 100%.  Sometimes freezes... press play and the play button lights up on both serato and sep-c1 but does not play (needle does not spin, sound waves don't move).  Secondly the tempo slide bar moves slightly (just enough to see that is does move).  The % moves fully but the bpm does not change and the audio is not affected.  Is there something I'm missing before I return it for a replacement under warranty.  Today its the first day I've tried it.  You can see in the attached screen shot.  Please help!!!!

Jay Connaughan

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I just finished talking to Serato.  It turns out that there are issues with the SEP-C1 and the most recent version of Serato (2.3.1.).  I down graded Serato to 2.2.0 and the SEP-C1 works fine!  They are aware of the problem and they are work  on fixing it. 

Jay Connaughan 0 votes
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@Jay > Glad to hear you were able to find a work-around, I wasn't aware of any issues with the SEP and SSL 2.3.1 -- thanks for the heads-up.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi everybody,


do you know if the problem is been solved in the last versions of Serato Scratch Live?



Nacho Ruiz 0 votes
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