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CDJ 1000 Mk3 Update on US Players?

Hi, I was just curious: The current update for the CDJ 1000 Mk3 shown on the US website is version 2.20. However, on the Pioneer Europe website, the current version is shown as 2.30, as seen here: http://www.pioneer.eu/eur/content/support/support/upgrade/CDJ1000MK3.html

Is it safe to update the US CDJ 1000 Mk3 to version 2.30, or should I stick with 2.20? I just don't want to brick my CDJ (if that's even possible) because I tried to update something I shouldn't have.

With much appreciation,


David Travis

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@David > The most recent firmware available from Japan is 2.20, and I'm not sure what changes were made to 2.30 -- it could just be a number update for tracking a change to hardware, but as there's no info available on the UK site, I'm not sure.  You could try it, unless you have a power-outage during the update which would brick the unit.

But as the old saying goes ... if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  ;)

Pulse 0 votes
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Just thought I'd give y'all an update. I ran the update to 2.30, and it went without a hitch. Just thought I'd pass along the word. :)

David Travis 0 votes
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