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cdj1000 mk2 bpm??

i just recently purchased a cdj1000mk2 for my home studio this is just for fun and practice on. i have 10 years exp on turntables, currently use serato and i have used rekordbox for the cdj2000's i play on at one club. 


but for the life of me i have never touched mk2's and now im trying to make sure i burn my cd's right. im teaching myself fine on how to save cue points to sd card. (lots places still use cdj1000 so this is helpful to me if i dont wanna drag serato box out) But i cant get the bpm info to show. i can get the song title to work, but other then that it says no cd text. 


is there a ceratin tag or thing i should be doing to get bpm info to show up in the bpm counter? im burning them as audio cd with nero. i burn track title . i have master tempo button on.. .but bpm counter stays empty. is there also waveform data on this model? or just the little yellow hashmarks that show you how far into the track you are.


sorry to sound like a noob it just i have no clue what im doing on this older model. i also dont have a manual but will look for one to download now. 

thanks for any help

davin massengale

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@Davin > I'm guessing you are burning as an MP3 CD and not as CD-Audio. If you have all your music correctly tagged then burn burn as CD-Audio the text should display as well as the waveform loading instantly.

Gavin 0 votes
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Thats what i need help with. When i use nero i use burn audio cd. What should my music be tagged with? Serato does not tag music in that way. Us there a program i need to use?

davin massengale 0 votes
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I use Tag&Rename to edit all my ID3 tags (some users do like iTunes but I do not). I haven't burned a CD in a long time but I used to use Nero and had no problems.

Gavin 0 votes
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thanks ill try it out. i know im burning it right with nero, cd text enabled. i am getting the song title. but im not getting any waveform views when i press between waveform/cd text button. im also getting nothing on the bpm counter. 


i dont need these i just wanted to get the most use out of my cdj1000. i use rapid evolution 3 to tag my music. 


rekord box for thumb drive. and serato for 1200's so. just wanted to mess around some on this older cdj and get the full display 

davin massengale 0 votes
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FYI: CDJ-1000MK2 does not play MP3s; the BPM is not read from the ID3 tag or the CD-TEXT fields, it is calculated as the track is loaded / played.

Pulse 0 votes
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i know it does not. all my cd's are being burned as audio. its electro house. should be very easy to read bpm. but none of the tracks ever bring up the counter. or waveform

davin massengale 0 votes
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Unless there's something wrong with the burn, audio CDs should start loading the waveform within a few seconds of selecting the track, BPM follows shortly after that.

Pulse 0 votes
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