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CMX-3000 firmware upgrade?


I realise this is an old product but tbh it is completely satisfactory for my needs.

I bought a Pioneer CMX-3000 dual CD player system recently and the firmware is the older one (v2.02), i have noticed there are certain bugs present such as the '8 second stop' (more precisely 8.04 secs.... ALL the bloomin time!)... i would be happy to continue using this product if i could simply get the firmware upgrade, but i realise this isn't widely available any more due to the age of the product.

To be honest i would attempt it myself, but upon looking up service docs i realise you need a certain interface 'jig' that i presume only certified service people can get their hands on.

Question: is there anywhere that would still have the tools and files needed to do this for me?


Tom Millski

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@Tom > I believe an update may only be available through a service centre but I'm not sure if the unit is supported any more. I'll find out more for you ASAP and see how to help.

Gavin 0 votes
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Thanks Gavin, much appreciated. Looking at it last night it is actually v2.21 but i did read somewhere that it was upgraded to 2.4 or 2.5 or something to fix these bugs.

Cheers for any info. 

Tom Millski 0 votes
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@Tom > The most recent firmware release for the CMX-3000 is v2.5 which was released in 02/2008. Only an authorised service centre can perform the update as, as you mention, a special jig is required. I would advise you to contact an authorised service centre in your area to see if they can help you. Contact technical support links on the right hand column >>

Gavin 0 votes
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