[SOLVED] 800mk2 Cue, Play, & Power buttons
Hello, I just purchased some second hand CDJ 800mk2's.
I am wondering if anyone has suggestions for checking their health or cleaning them up. Some of the buttons were stuck with goop underneath them, so I took it apart and cleaned all the buttons and took some compressed air to all other areas.
The cue and play buttons seem broken even after opening the unit and cleaning them. They weren't even goopy compared to the others; I'm guessing this means there's an issue with the actual switch/wiring of the buttons as opposed to the actual buttons themselves, but I've seen around the net that lots of people fix it by just replacing the physical buttons. I'm wondering if I should buy new buttons + switches to solder on myself, or buy a new board for the cue / play area with pre-soldered switches and use my current buttons that seem okay.
The power button also seems problematic; it has no issues with power, but when I press it, it kind of sticks for a few seconds and then pops out. I sometimes have to press it a little hard in order for it to power on too.
Oh and sorry for putting this in the CDJ 2000 thread; I didn't see an 800 section.
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If you are saying I should search the forum, I already did that and my question is obviously more specific than other threads discussing the buttons.
Could you be a little more helpful perhaps?

He was showing you where you could post this thread, it's considered la legacy product

I'm not sure how to move the thread, isn't that something a mod like him would do or help me with instead of just posting a link and giving no instructions?
That doesn't really provide me with any help either, he could have said hey move your thread to Legacy section, here's how, or I'll do it for you. As for your issue, you should do this, etc.
Anyways, any advice on my issues?

absolutely, any parts are replaceable on a CDJ, you can either get the TACT switch off ebay for cheap and solder them yourself, or just go on pioneers parts site and order the boards you would need. They have parts diagrams and prices you can directly order from
also check out some youtube videos, There are plenty of people taking cdj's apart

Thanks a bunch, good sir.
So if the physical buttons were the problem, I would have noticed some sort of crack or something on the button themselves correct? Or is there something that could be invisible to the untrained eye such as something with the plastic casing they are held in?
The board does not come with the actual buttons, so I just want to try and get the right purchase the first time. It sounds like either way, the buttons + switches are the cheaper option, unless the soldering gets messed up but that doesn't seem too difficult with this situation.
I did see lots of videos for replacing these, each with different underlying issues, hence my question.
I did not however see any videos for replacing the power switch, and when we examined it, we weren't sure how to remove and replace it. Could you possibly provide a link if you know of one?
Thanks again!

it depends on what is wrong, by taking it apart you need to see if you need the actual play and pause plastic buttons or you may need the new tact switch they hit if the buttons are no linger "clicking" when pressed, if it is the tact switch then you can solder them yourself or buy the board they are on

Well I took it apart and the buttons looked fine, they just don't "click" like my other unit and are strangely sensitive at times. I'm thinking it's definitely the switch, but I wouldn't mind some new buttons.
I went ahead and ordered new buttons and switches that I will solder myself.
The power button I am not sure of though. I will try keep digging the web for info on replacing that.
Thanks again.

No problem. The power button is pretty easy to access to and see if its just dirty inside or needs a new switch

Yea it is easy to get to, but we weren't sure how to remove the black piece. I've been digging the web and can't find a video or even much info on replacing it. Is it just a matter or pulling the black part off of the greenish/blue switch? I'd have to look at it again as I don't have it in front of me, but it seemed easy to break haha, so I didn't want to just start yanking stuff.

yeah im not 100% sure, I havent taken a 800 apart in years, sorry

No worries. One last question you might know... I burned an audio CD with all .WAV files on it, and the CDJ doesn't seem to display any text info for them such as title or artist. It displays fine for MP3 cds though. I made the MP3 CDs as data CDs... Should I just make the WAV files data CDs too in order to carry text info onto them?

Yes, I dont believe WAV files hold tag info like MP3's do, Creating it as an MP3 cd or Audio cd should will show the names

@Scott > When it comes to servicing and repair of your equipment, we have to recommend you contact technical support - nobody on these boards are permitted to provide technical help as it may involve further damaging the unit or, worse, hurting yourself. Please use the links in the column on the right to find repair centres in your area.
As for WAV files holding tagging information... There is a documented standard but a lot of the tagging software programs do not support it. I always recommend Tag&Rename and this does support that documented standard.

Thank you.
I'm now having an issue with the other unit. Sometimes, not too commonly so far, it turns itself off and then back on, then back off again. It's like a cycle of powering on and off before I actually power it off with the swtich, in which case it seems to be fine for a while after.
Any ideas on this?

Again, its a technical issue so, unfortunately, I'm not able to help you. I would recommend you contact tech support using the links on the right >>