My Mep-7000 is driving me nuts!
It only recognises one external hard drive that is an old western digital one that is falling apart. I've bought 6 different drives to try on it and it does not recognise any of them.
All are formatted as fat32 and are usb 2.0 drives, 4 of them are 2.5 inch the other 2 are 3.5 inch with their own external power source.
I am a professional DJ who needs to use my mep every week and at the moment I'm depending on one hard drive that could fail at any point and I have no backup as the MEP refuses to recognise any of the drives I have bought for it. If the hard drive that it does recognise fails I will be stuck using lots of different usb sticks as the biggest I can get is 128gb which is not big enough for all my music.
Can one of your technical support team please explain to me where I can find a hard drive that will be compatible with this seriously flawed but otherwise awesome piece of kit.
Failing that providing me with a direct email address or working phone number for your technical support dept would be a good start!