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[SOLVED] Poor compressed sound from CDJ1000MK2 or DJM600 mixer

I am not sure whether it's the mixer or CDJ that causing this poor sound quaility(like an MP3 that's compressed at 128k). I play most original CD's (I understand that there is no gaurentee that the source file could be compressed) but the sound on large sound systems, the sound is compressed or lossy. You would not expect this from playing Sade's latest compilation uncompressed CD. Could something have gone wrong in the sound processing or was the CDJ overheating? Has somebody experience this issue?


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@Toni > You'll need to check the complete audio chain to isolate the problem as it could be any number of factors. Try swapping out audio cables and testing each piece of kit in isolation including different inputs on the mixer and all cables leading down to the amps.

It may also be likely that the units need a service.

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