@Kyle > Please see this page: http://pioneerdj.com/support/product.php?c=361&lang=en&p=CDJ-400&t=80
And also note the link for Installation issue with Microsoft Window 8.
After you've tried this, please report back and let us know how it goes.
If you've read before these are a set of handy-downs given in by my uncle, hence i had to learn installation instruction myself.
MY problem is the cdj400 drivers compatibility with windows 8. I've already installed them around 7 times however the OS is either not recognizing this issue or that driver is incompatible with windows 8. I'm not even sure if I've installed the drivers correctly however it does not explicitly say so.
I understand that i should've given specific problems however i would really like to know if there is work around towards this issue between my cdj400 and my laptop.
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@Kyle > Please see this page: http://pioneerdj.com/support/product.php?c=361&lang=en&p=CDJ-400&t=80
And also note the link for Installation issue with Microsoft Window 8.
After you've tried this, please report back and let us know how it goes.
I've installed the driver again however Windows Smartscreen does not give me a notification installation issue
I"ve installed this my 8th time however i'm unsure if i had prevented it from installation or i went ahead and pressed "run"
I've tried looking up if windows smart screen is preventing its installation however i've come up with nothing. I'm rather worried.
@Kyle > I'd start from scratch again. Make sure the CDJ is not connected to your laptop via USB. Fully uninstall any related drivers on your computer, then re-start your computer. Still ensuring your CDJ is not connected to your laptop, download the drivers again from the link I provided above and run the install. You may need to re-start your computer once again. Then connect up your CDJs.
Could you send me some text on the root files for the uninstallation process just to be sure i have "everything" uninstalled in case it doesn't work. i'd like to be sure its uninstalled properly.
File Name:Pioneer_CDJ_Driver_1.200.exe
File Size:995KB (1,019,882 bytes)
Could you send the specific file locations that the driver installs such as
C:\Program Files (x86)\Pioneer\Pioneer CDJ ASIO
for me to be sure that confirms its installed properly.
The below images is what i've accomplished so far. The CDJ "works" with my software accordingly such as recognizing songs however there is sill the issue with DJM output which i "assume" is made by windows 8 OS and it inability to recognize the drivers which is exactly the problem i had to deal with the first time especially when trying to aggregate since there is no recognition.
Does this confirm that its working properly?
@Kyle > I'll see what the engineers have to say on the matter.
Gavin, do you need more information?
@Kyle > Here's the response I got:
It seems the unit is not recognized as a USB audio device.
First, please try to use other USB ports of your PC.
Another possibility is the system driver on Windows is missing for some reason.In a nutshell, the problems could be caused by his PC.
Perhaps you could try another USB port and see if that works?
@kyle > Any update?
Gavin, i only have 3 USB ports and i've periodically been trying them. All three have the same responses.
Perhaps its this "system driver" which i'm unaware of. Could you explain how this works and how its related to my issue
I have also used my much older Desktop Pc running Windows Vista which seems to be running just fine.
@Kyle > If you have a USB hub, can you connect your CDJs to that and then into the USB3 ports on your 'problem' computer.
@Kyle > Did you get a chance to try another USB hub between the players and your computer?
gavin, sorry my response took forever, but i used all accessible usbs from my "problem" laptop and comparing it with my desktop however the only big difference is how both computers recognize my players.
No usb hub.
My desktop, openly expresses (include drivers) that it works fine. including audio output, input and syncing (it has 6 usb ports all 6 respond positively).
My "Problem" Laptop (3 usb ports, all responding negatively) in the other hand has several problems such as audio output however certain features such as syncing and audio input from the players work. (example, prevoius posts)
with USB Hub.
Desktop: Ditto
"Problem" Laptop still refuses to recognize these devices as if reading as both a singular device and refusing to recognize, similar to CDJ Issues 7 except with only one device.
@kyle > It seems like there may be a conflict with some drivers or something on your 'problem' laptop. Could you (or would you) try re-installing Windows?
Gavin, This may take a few more weeks since its both expensive (since it came pre-set with windows 8 without software) not to mention excruciatingly painful to restart.
I will follow said instructions but please don't expect another update for a while since what you are asking me is to practically uproot everything except from scratch, this time.
If you believe is another solution please update me. Thanks for your patience.
@Kyle > Definitely painful and I appreciate it is time consuming - I've asked the engineers if they could suggest anything else.
@Kyle > Just following up, did you manage to get this issue resolved?
I also have issues with my cdjs 400 and windows 8. The problem is that every time i conect them to the laptop i get the message error in the asio driver not enough channels from vdj. Then i have to reinstall the asio drivers and it works fine.
Seems to me i experience the same problems.
System; Laptop Asus N76V, 4xUSB 3.0 / 2x Cdj-400 / Djm 850 / Virtual dj 8 pro
Problem(s): my Laptop won't recognize both of my cdj's anymore, he use to have this problem before, but repetitively shutting it off and on again seemed to help because after doing this for 2 to 15 times in a row he would suddenly recognize 2 sound-cards (pioneer cdj and pioneerneer cdj, are these names normal?) and all worked perfectly (vdj ch 1, cdj 1, djm ch 1 & vdj ch 2, cdj 2, djm ch2) But now this problem has gotten worse since i updated to win8.1. The situation is now, or he recognizes 1 cdj as "usb device 2" - and not the other one. They will both show on my laptop's "device page" but the sound-card of the second one isn't available, shutting it off and on like i use to do before the update, doesn't change anything anymore.
I own a business in the entertainment sector and we play lot's of party's and since i love all the pioneer gear and been working with them since the cdj-500 II i just won't give up on this, but for now it's giving me a lots and lots of headaches.
I really hope someone can help.
Thanks in advance.
Steven, Belgium
@Steven > Do you have the CDJs connected directly or via USB hub? If via hub, is the hub USB 2.0 or 3.0? Is/are the ports on your computer USB 2.0 or 3.0?
Directly Pulse no hub, my laptop has 4x usb3.0 ports no usb 2.0.
Thanks Steven, there is another user reporting a similar issue, we'll see if the engineers have any ideas.
Ok, I'll stand by <snip>
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steven after a lot of time and tries i figured out tha the problem is not windows 8 but the usb3 ports. they just dont recognize the 2 cdjs.i now use a simple cheap usb hub and conect there the cdjs and it works fine. the only thing is that you have to conect them one at a time and wait some seconds for each one for windows to run the drivers. my regards from greece.
@mitsos rou > Thanks for the input. Is it a USB2.0 hub that you have connected to a USB3.0 port?
yes a simple usb2.0 hub