Hey Steven, where are you living?
Hi! I have a problem with my cdj! After about an hour of use the jogwheel becomes unresponsive, it doesnt speed up or slow down a track in cd mode, the same error occurs in vinyl mode however the the track will stop when I press the jogwheel. Its an intermittent problem. Its not a cdr problem as I have checked it with original cds. Can anyone diagnose the problem? I live in Ireland and dont want to ship it overseas. Maybe someone knows a service shop in South of Ireland?! Thanks
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Hey Steven, where are you living?
Hi Gavin, I'm from Mitchelstown, Co. Cork!
Hi, brought the cdj to my local engineer, he did a great job of servicing it, replaced cue/play buttons etc. Unfortunately the Jog Dial problem didnt occur while he had it! There was no visible dirt on the sensor switch, & pcbs, it was spotless really. So going to take it back to him tomorrow. Just a quick question, could the problem be possibly a firmware issue? The deck has been updated to 2.3
@Steven > I'm from Cork city myself ;)
Cool, glad you got most of it sorted. You could try forcing the update again although I'm not sure that is the problem. Ask your engineer to take a look and let us know what he thinks...
Small world Gavin! The engineer has it with a few days now and he is finding it very frustrating! The problem just wont occur. He's gonna swap the jogwheel with my other deck, that will rule out a few things. will update soon!
Nice one, thanks!
Just a quick update! ;-) Engineer found the problem! There's a small pcb under the jogwheel called "JOGB ASS'Y", attached to this is a little disc encoder which gives the forward/reverse signal. The fault is somewhere on that small pcb. He has ordered replacement parts from pioneer. Hope this information will help other DJ's & engineers with similar problems. :-)
Excellent! Thanks for letting me know, Stephen!