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RekordBox. Import/drag tracks problems!

Well i just installed rekordbox vs 1.5i open it all fine until i tried to add music/tracks to collection. I tried files-import-.....wen i press confirm nothing happens same thing if i try drag from a the folder to the program. Nothing happens It simple don't work at all.

Nuno Martins

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I've been having problems, too.  Only mine are - I can add and analyze in my Collection, however when I drag and copy them to a playlist, entirely different tracks show up. (Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD_upB8Msn0 ) I've spent more time trying to figure out Rekordbox the past month than I have with my CDJs.

I've described my full issue here of all the fun I have been having with Rekordbox: http://houseofebonyandivory.com/2011/09/rekordbox-woes-and-issues/

geeves 0 votes
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To add to further ridiculousness...

When Importing from iTunes, it also adds the incorrect tracks.

Here is it failing to import via The Bridge from iTunes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5VWSuFENuk

Not that I should have to use a 3rd party piece of software in conjunction. 

Is there a link to 1.4.x that I can try?  Is this a bug that is exclusive to 1.5.0 - if that's the case, how did it make it out of QA?

geeves 0 votes
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Youtube video is failing.  But the problem still persists.

geeves 0 votes
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Same problem here!!! Would be great if someone could help us!


I tried to do the same with a MacBook. And fortunately it worked. But I do not understand why it doesn't work with Windows. I have 64 bit, Windows 7.



Chen 0 votes
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Same here. When I drag tracks from playlist to playlist, it won't load all of them. I hope the main collection keeps those tracks that are now missing from different playlists, so i can go back and re-organize the entire database of 2,500+ tracks at some point... And of course, Rekordbox crashes 75% of the time.

djchuckc 0 votes
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@geezes > Sounds like your problem is a corrupt database; try renaming the database.edb file and re-importing those tracks.

Pulse 0 votes
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