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Rekord box wavefile and bpm issue

 Right here goes, I have a pair of cdj 900's i had a prob with my comp so I had to reinstall windows blah blah blah then recordbox now I have imported and analysed all my tracks and everything seems fine in rekord box, now i plug usb stick into rekordbox and set up my playlists with tracks then proceed to play in my cdj's the problem is  when I plug my USB into either of my cdj's the bpm and the waveform are not showing up as b4 on alot of my tracks ,and i now have to wait for the baseline to drop a few bars b4 I get the bpm and also the wave form goes up gradually I have also noticed that the bpm when it decides to show has also decided to move up and down bpm as in 175 to 174 then back again nothing seems to stay locked like it used to since i updated to latest firmware please help many thanx magnum.

Leo Collins

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Chances are you had already exported tracks to the USB but not properly removed the hidden Pioneer folder and thus when you exported again, it's confusing the player with missing information.

Pulse 0 votes
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Seems to me you are using normal mp3 tracks NOT analyzed by Rekordbox, thats why you dont have the bpm, and the wavefomr appears while the track is playing.

TheSqueezer 0 votes
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@pionix nah it never sorted it still no joy with the wave forms on the USB stick

@TheSqueezer all tracks are analysed through rekord box

@pulse ahhhh I see what ya mean never new about a h hidden file! Never new that I'll have a look @that then and get back to you pulse ty very much!!!! One more thing I have two tracks both 170bpm I am finding that one track is gaining beats and I have also noticed that the bpm and tempos are playing up is this a fault with the latest update as mixing sets now are are getting a bit silly example play track today 170 bpm next thing I know it's going up and down eg 169 170 171 then back down to 170 bpm has this been effecting others????

Leo Collins 0 votes
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Leo Collins, i read that the tracks were analyzed by rekordbox, but my question is if you are exporting them from rekordbox device pane into the usb stick, or if you export the tracks directly from the folders where you have them.

TheSqueezer 0 votes
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@TheSqueezer all sorted now mate was the hidden file that was conflicting with itself nice1 pulse!!! and thankyou to all three of you for ur support much appreciated! :-)

Leo Collins 0 votes
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