filter>filter>sort (on cdj's)
BPM+1 and BPM-1 instead of BPM +/-1 (on cdj's)
Keys in camelot wheel format
something to let you know when the beatgrid has been altered for a track.
Don't know if these suggestions have been already mentioned, but here is my list
Pro Dj link to support "traffic light feature". I know the cdj2k nexus (which I own) have them but I use my laptop instead of USB sticks or sd cards. Very nice feature in my opinion
Countdown meter same as on the ios app version.
Permission to edit tracks while link is active.
A way to "save history as playlist" without having to unlink or exit RB
Different colors (and maybe renaming) saved cue points allowing to differenciate between buildups, breakdowns, curse words that need censoring etc.
Feel free to add to the list.....
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filter>filter>sort (on cdj's)
BPM+1 and BPM-1 instead of BPM +/-1 (on cdj's)
Keys in camelot wheel format
something to let you know when the beatgrid has been altered for a track.
defo - Permission to edit tracks while link is active
More options in the category filter - year & label for example
When analyzing files - options to exclude BPM calculation and leave it as it is, as most of my trax are over 180 BPM and the tempo is calculated in half time, which means I have to manually re-enter all the information again
Edit track while link is active
Different colored cue points!!
Beat countdown meter (setting bars between cue points)
+1 to all the post. Can we also add in a group list of columns and energy column based on the mix in key program?
More search field options, filename etc
a fast search engine on large libraries
full keyboard shortcut support to tab from search box to track results
Ability to copy a playlist in the playlist window
A Loop Move button, so you can move the loop backwards (or forwards) - would save a lot of time when setting intro loops.
Also a button which remotely orders a drink from the bar would be amazing...
Oh yeah, and also, why not let us drag a track from one playlist onto another, instead of having to right click, etc, etc?
A faster export to decive would be nice... ( On my USB3 device it still takes quite a lot of time to re-export my files... even if just 2% has changed )
Oh yeah, and also, why not let us drag a track from one playlist onto another, instead of having to right click, etc, etc?
Unless I am understanding this wrong, you can go into a playlist, take a track and drag it to another playlist, I do this all the time
MP4 video files supported would be nice.
do you want RB to just play the audio from the MP4 or do you want RB to actually be video mixing software? If that's the case, I doubt it will ever happen, RB is for music management, not video mixing. Although it would be cool to add
What would be ideal on this MP4, is for RB to analyse the files so cue point, loops cues and all the bells and whistles can be used, but leave the video mixing to serato in HID mode.
But saying that what, would be good is to use RB and a another application to handle the video side of it (imagine if mix emergency could be controlled)
Obviously pioneer want people just to use USB/SD card/CD sources connected to RB and nothing else.
There is more and more people using video now, and i'm feeling that its not been taken seriously.
If there is no HID support for the likes of serato, we may aswell stick with the old 2000's or move to other brands of CD player's at half the price.
yeah, A friend of mine has done video for some years now and all his main tracks are MP4, would be nice now if he could drop them into a cdj to just play the audio being that we are getting further and further away from video, In a mobile dj world mixing video is useless and stupid, lol. People just stop dancing and stare at the video so 90% of the times we have to shut the videos off anyway
I disagree with you there, the only people who stop dancing are the ones where you play video files which are more suited to MTV broadcasts, and not dancing to.
I've been doing video/visuals/graphics/twitter feeds/camera feeds into my sets for a while now (bearing in mind i'm working in a club).
Video can work quite well if its thought out and applied correctly.
Video stuff is not going away, its getting busier more and more.
I just wish pioneer would step up and support all 'DJ's/VJ's and not just for the 'superstar DJ's, with products which work well with everybody.
like you said, its a matter of who you play for, for clubs I could see it being great, But for private events we also use video for visuals, live feed and pictures, but to mix in and play the actual "One Direction" (for example) video, the kids now stop and look at how hot they think one direction is, LOL.... In the mobile field on Long Island and NYC, the video stuff started growing years ago but now more and more clients don't buy into because they feel the videos are inappropriate or just dont care that they are even on the screen, So why pay for it. I have done video for years and am happy I no longer have to
Again, Not knocking what anyone else here does, It depends on who you play for, For my group, video is a waste of money for them to pay extra for and for the dj's to get paid extra to do.
Retain the search results after a removal.
When searching the collection by using the search box - for example 'beatport' .... and from the results I want to remove a track, so I select it and remove it, the beatport search results are then cleared and the whole collection is displayed again. I'd like to keep the 'beatport' search results until I manually clear it with the X in the search field. Can this feature be added please?
^^^^^^ that too
Also, can the BPM analze feature be tweeked for us hardcore DJ's whose track go above 180 BPM, as anything above that shows as half tempo :)
I would love if they had a sync feature similar to iTunes. So many times I have put in cue points or changed sort info and forgot to re-export to my memory stick. Then I realise and forget which tracks I was working on.
Life would be so much easier if there was a sync button that would transfer what has changed with my library onto the memory stick.
If star rating changes in rekordbox, it should also change in Tag & Rename or other programs...
When right clicking on a song in the collection, it would be nice to see in which playlists the song occurs
"Update Collection" for each track separately
Selecting multiple playlists in one time (like in windows with holding down the ctrl button)
Simple playback features such as loop playlist, loop song, shuffle mode... etc. Come on now.
Double clicking the small album art in the actual player (at the top) next to the waveform should bring up the info tab automatically with the big album art displayed.
When Rekordbox is full screen on large resolutions, there is a lot of space at the top (the black part with the player and the waveform display). The track title is displayed to the left, however it does not take advantage of this space and "scrolls" (ticker style) even when there is plenty of space for it to display the full track name. It looks unprofessional, have this space adapt to the actual available room in the window.
The next track/previous track and fast forward/backward buttons should be visible when using the "mini player" mode (without the big beat grid waveform, the mode that only shows the small waveform and the play button). Usually I am using this mode because I am simply using rekordbox as my mp3 player to listen to music on my computer in which case I don't need the giant beatgrid waveform displayed.
The CPU footprint is roughly twice as much as iTunes (or more). I understand this when the beatgrid is displaying etc, but if the player is in the mini player mode (described above) or if only the track list is showing (no player mode) then the CPU footprint should cut down since none of this is having to be displayed. You could even program that the waveforms stop displaying when the software is minimized to reduce the weight on the CPU.
If you make these changes then you have made a software which competes with iTunes and would actually be much preffered to it from any audiofile or DJ, regardless if they are using CDJs or not!
Let's start with UNDO
It's been standard in all applications since the mid 90's and it's utterly mind boggling that it's not present in Rekordbox. Thanks heaven for backups.