wont happen from what they have said already, do to licensing
Is it Possible to change the Rekord Box Keys to the Camelot Key's like mixedinkey? It is easier for us NON music reading DJ's to mix in Key with the camelot key system. Or at least give us the option in Rekord Box to choose which key system we want to use. I know using MixedinKey that I can go fro a 2a to a 5a. I have No clue besides what is highlighted green what I can do with the current Rekord Box Key system. Thanks
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wont happen from what they have said already, do to licensing
I manually changed all my keys in RB to Camelot style and it works great (not very time consuming) . Even the traffic light feature on the nexus works with Camelot keys, which I think it's awesome.
How do u manually change your keys in RB?
@BriChi... Really? That sucks. Maybe they can partner up with Mixed in Key like Mixvibes? Or have mixedinkey have a setting for RB like it does with Traktor and Serato?
I analyze the keys in RB, then i sort by key and use the chart below (posted on this forum by another user) to convert the standard key to Camelot. For example I select all "A" tracks, click on info tab and change the key in the "Key" slot, then i move on to "Ab" tacks and so on. My whole library is in camelot Keys now and it only took like 20 min. I did save the chart on text edit so i just copy and paste.
A = 11B
Ab = 4B
Am = 8A
B = 1B
Bb = 6B
Bbm = 3A
Bm = 10A
C = 8B
C#m = 12A
Cm = 5A
D = 10B
Db = 3B
Dm = 7A
E = 12B
Eb = 5B
Ebm = 2A
Em = 9A
F = 7B
F#m = 11A
Fm = 4A
G = 9B
G#m = 1A
Gb = 2B
Gm = 6A
Sounds great. But my whole library is about 65 Thousands tunes. So I think it will take me a little longer then 20 min.
But thanks for the chart
It shouldn't take any longer Pete, it doesn't matter how big your library is if you sort by key and use the batch change feature using the info pane. It should take about the same time with 1k tracks as it would 65k.
Northrider, I'm glad to see I helped you with posting that chart :)
I do the same thing as you described..... and it works.... And that is all that matters
cool ty guys
@ the one. Thanks again, it works great!!!!
I decided to keep the standard notation in the Key field, and then use Camelot numbers in the Comments.
Another thing I do is to always use 3 characters to write my Camelot numbers in the Comments so that they alphabetize in correct order. For example, 4A should be 04A. 5A should be 05A. 10B is 10B. By doing this I can sort by comments and everything is in correct order.
Camelot notation has license? hmm.. well, why not use something similar like 1A 1B to 1I 1II. Also it would be great if there was a column that calculated the key difference
You can use MIK camalot keys in RB. Just make sure that analyze key is not selected when analyzing your tunes in RB and MIK keys will come up in the key column. I just found this our from a buddy of mine. So if you want all your tunes to have the camalot keys again. You will have to wipe out your whole music collection in RB and shut off the analyze key in RB. Re-analyze your tunes in MIK with "over write" the comments. Then bring your tunes to RB and you will see the keys come up in the Key column. RB key analyzing will over write MIK.
Good to hear pete!
And if you select all your tracks , then go to the info tab... and over there make the key field blanc.
Isn't that enough ? Is it really necessary to wipe your whole collection ?
I don't know to be honest?? I'm still getting used to RB after using Traktor for a while. I know that even if I tried to re-analyzed them with out the analyze key selected it still didn't get rid of the RB key. So i just wiped all my tunes and playlist out of RB. Analyzed my tunes in MIK. Then back in RB again. It took a full day and night while I slept to knock it out. But i'm glad I did. Now I have created "playlist" in RB for each key. So far its working ok. I just wish we could control RB with the CDJ's... I hope they fix that soon. Even if we have to stop using the Ethernet cables and use the USB ports that would be fine as well. Lets just get it done Pioneer.We shouldn't have to drag and drop.
Why not just have the MIK camalot keys in the comments field and the RB ones (used by the CDJ 2000 Nexus) in the Key field. Covers all angles doesn't it?
northrider thanks for the translation, can anyone help me translate the following keys like northrider did above?
Abm =
Dbm =
F# =
I asked the very same question in this thread and below is the response from Gavin @ Pioneer.
Abm is A flat minor. A flat is the same as G sharp. Therefore Abm = G#m
Dbm is D flat minor. D flat is the same as C sharp. Therefore Dbm = C#m
F# is F sharp major. F sharp is the same as G flat. Therefore F# = Gb
When I said this thread I meant http://forums.pioneerdj.com/entries/22016183--SOLVED-Rekordbox-2-0-1-Key-Analysis-vs-Mixed-In-Key
I've now resorted to tagging all files in the comment field with chamelot *and* key, e.g.: 03A G#m
I consider the chamelot system a first-order approximation, but the really interesting transitions stray from the circle of 5ths and you only discover them by either hearing them in your head when playing a track or experimentation, or knowing a bit more about the actual key than if its in a simple major/minor. For a taste of this theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulation_(music)
@pope > Thank you for this. It is important to note that Camelot Notation is certainly useful but it does not give as much information as Standard Notation so you're probably better off tagging your files with both sets of information.