I still dont get why this is not incorporated, On the Aero this is possible and the deck is pretty much lower end Pioneer but on the flagship deck it's not, I dont get it!
First request is to allow RB to follow the cdj onscreen navigation when connected via pro link. Basically allowing you to navigate your computer using the cdj and allow for track loading without touching the laptop. This is something the competition has already achieved on their music management software. And the other is to allow for on the fly rating of a song while playing via pro link from the computer, only able use that feature while playing from usb/sd at this time.
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I still dont get why this is not incorporated, On the Aero this is possible and the deck is pretty much lower end Pioneer but on the flagship deck it's not, I dont get it!
Agreed I'd also like to adjust beat grids whilst pro dj link is active or be told definitively why this isn't possible
Also an icon indicating which tracks have hot cues already set vs those that don't.
Would be great to see LOAD markers and FADE IN FADE OUT markers added or continuous play option if needed. LOAD Markers def will help in saving time to call a cue point if there are many stored in the song.
'load markers' already exist. you can set the cdj to automatically load the first cue point in the track....
@Phil..you are correct, your taking about the autocue. I am talking about a marker that allows the track to load say at the begining of break break or second drop etc. No limits to where this load marker would be able to be placed.
the memory autocue can function just like a traktor load marker though, it can be set anywhere in a track. set a memory cue in rekordbox (you can set 10 per track) wherever you'd set your load marker, beginning of break etc and the track will cue to this point if you set autocue to 'memory' on the cdj. if you set several memory cues per track it's lightning quick to cycle through them on the player using the cue call buttons. forgive me if i'm misunderstanding what you're asking for but i'm pretty sure that this functionality already exists in rekordbox/the cdjs - no limits to placement, 10 per track and can autoload to the first one if you want and jumping to other cues is really easy with dedicated buttons on the cdj...
its okay Phil, another thread confirms that Rekordbox nor the Cdjs can have load markers except for the beginning of the track. http://forums.pioneerdj.com/entries/22020636-auto-cue-question therefore I think it would be a great addition. Imagine not having to worry about calling the cue instead when you load the track, it starts at the important part where you want to bring in...
"Imagine not having to worry about calling the cue instead when you load the track, it starts at the important part where you want to bring in..."
hey wolfe - you can already do EXACTLY this. i use it all the time.
here's how you do it. load your track in rekordbox, set the position where you want your 'load cue' and hit 'm' on your keyboard to save the point to memory. export the track to your usb. on your player's utility menu, set autocue to 'memory' and every time that track loads it will cue to your load cue point....
also, the other post you quoted is incorrect, gavin got it wrong.
you can set an autoload cue at ANY point in any track using my method above.
Sick! I will give it a shot Phil thanks man.
No problem at all my friend.