@Rasmus > It seems like there might be some problematic files which are causing problems in the analysis. I would recommend importing in batches - say, 1000 or so at a time and see if you can identify which tracks may be causing problems.
i have startet analysing my collection again due to the changes in rekordbox.
its about 31000 tracks and it takes between 500 and 1000 traks and then it crashes sometimes it takes 20 and then crashes.
WHAT TO DO...... I'm getting really tired of it!!!!
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@Rasmus > It seems like there might be some problematic files which are causing problems in the analysis. I would recommend importing in batches - say, 1000 or so at a time and see if you can identify which tracks may be causing problems.
dosent help....... now it is analyzing between 20-50 tracks before crash and I'm still missing analys on 13000 tracks :-(
now it just crashes on startup :-(
Mine is crashing all over the place to...is there a downgrade link anywhere?
This is the worst update EVER!!!
I keep reading about crashes on the forum but no responce from the pioneerteam!?
Get your f...... Act together! Theres a lot of people depending on this software to run smooth!
Make a official comment about what you are doing about it!
I have been using Traktor from NI witch is a MUTCH more komplex program and i have only had a crash ONCE!
@Rasmus > I'll be emailing you in the next few hours, at the email address you used to sign up to these forums, to help resolve the issue.
I'm extremely sorry about the delay.
@Rasmus > Please check your email and let me know when you get the chance to reply or post here.
Closed due to lack of response.