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[SOLVED] Suggestion for improving remotebox

Hello Pioneer,


one feature on the remotebox software is really missed:


When you load a song into one of the decks you cant see a waveform display of the song in the deck (like on the display of the cdj nexus).


To have waveform display would greatly help live action instead of hotcueing and preparing in rekordbox.


hope you find my suggestion helpful, it would perfectionize the xdj1-r1 even more.





Earl Pledger

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The drawback here is that the waveform display wouldn't be any where near as close as that of the on screen display or the CDJ2000nexus - they are different types of display. For that reason, I don't think it would be a worthwhile update but I appreciate your suggestions.

Gavin 0 votes
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A very simple waveform like the ones on CDJ-850 would be enough, thats my opinion anyway.


The Pacemaker app got waveforms so why cant pioneers remotebox app have it. 

Emil Hägglund 0 votes
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the no play histoy is a bi bug bear for me ....it clearly states it is a feature of the unit and influenced my purchase . i appreciate the product is as close too the nexus as it gets and is a training tool ...nut the hassle of manually trying to remember too tag as you go a play history is surely not a technical impossibility ...it's what changing a value two in the units firmware ...even a play count ...apart from that , great wee tool ....if i had too choose defo play history please ..an auto taglist , cannot be beyond your engineers ,,,paid upgrade ..dont care , otherwise the things not as described and a conversation will have too be had ....only bought it too put sets together and as it dosnt rekord it.s not fit for purpose ....a wee patch in a pm is cool with me troops or i look forward too your reply with suggestions ;-)


Graham Scobie 0 votes
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No play history? That's been a feature since day one years ago. Maybe you're missing it. After about a minute the track is marked green as played and saved in a list area called history

BriChi 0 votes
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