Connected to my laptop (on power) and it works like a charm....
I connect my KRK speakers directly on DDJ-S1 with balanced connection.
I instantly get a buzzing noise on the speakers.
When I open ITCH, that buzzing sound get even more loud.
It is not a background noise. It is very loud and my new S1 is useless with this sound.
I tried to disconnect power adapter from DDJ-S1, and the buzzing sound stopped, but also music stopped... I also tried different USB port. It didnt help.
Please help me, Im desperate!
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Connected to my laptop (on power) and it works like a charm....
Grounding issue from unconnected laptop?
it must be a grounding issue of my desktop pc.
The buzzing sound starts when I connect the usb on this PC. The PC looks grounded... I mean the power unit plug is grounded.
What can be wrong? I leak? what shall I do?
@ Panos G.
It is definitely a ground issue more than likely with your speakers. One way to check for sure is to unplug the speakers from the back XLR Jacks. Plug you usb cable in to your computer from your DDJ-S1. Finally use a pair of headphones and plug into the headphone jack. Load a song and cue it through the headphones. If you get a clean signal and you should it's a ground issue with your speakers and outlet. Be sure to be using a powercord with a ground.
Please let me know if this was helpful.
no it is not a speaker issue.
I am using cords with a ground with my pc and speakers.
I dont get any noise on headphones with or without the speakers on. But I dont get any noise at all when I plug the controller on my laptop too...
so it's a pc problem.
here is the sound I get: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4x9ZkHOWv8
did u hear the same sound on your headphones ?
no. headphone sound is clear
@ Panos G. Again... If you plug the usb cord into your computer launched Itch loaded a track into both decks. Plug in headphones Only into the headphone output. Select "Cue" on both channels.
If your signal is "Clean" and no "Buzz" is heard while previewing the headphone "Cue"... The problem is NOT with the computer, Itch or your USB cable. It's without a doubt from your Grounding of the speakers. What ever signal your sending to your headphones is the same that is going to your XLR Main outs. So therefore the problem is either bad XLR Cables, Non Grounded Cables/Shields, Non Grounded Power Cords etc. But not your computer or Itch.
I hope this is helpful.
speakers appear to be well grounded with the plug... what else shall I try?
try a diffrent power point,couse your Laptop Powersuplley could be the Reason for that sound ;) ore use a DI-box betwen the speaker and your DDJ
i said it works fine on my laptop. the problem is on my desktop pc.
i tried different power points. no luck. I dont want any band aid solutions after spendin 1000$ on an s1.
have u tryed the RCA outputs so maybe it coud be a cabel fault. The DI-Box corrects the signal if any interference influence the cabel and the signal brokes in there. that sounds also like this.
just try to find the failure :)
try this thing :
to eliminate the ground pin, it worked for me, it's cheap so you don't have to spend a lot of money for a DI-Box ;)
I eliminated the pc's power supply unit's plug ground. didnt solve the problem...
i eliminated speakers' grounding and problem is solved. thanks
It was a ground loop. You followed the correct procedure. Bypass ground plugs on all equipment until you find the one that cures the hum.
is eliminating speakers' ground plugs dangearous in any case?
Yes it is -- the grounding pins are put there for a specific reason; to keep you from getting killed due to electrical shock.
I would most certainly try a DI-box or a ground-lift before cutting anything off the electrical cord.
do the DI-boxes eliminate some frequencies? i think that affects the output sound too, right?
No; they use a transformer to isolate the unwanted buzz from a ground-loop.
I have the same issue it does not do it with the rca (or as bad anyway) it only happens when i plug in the ac adapter on the ddj-s1
i have my desktop computer through my sharp led tv i get a really annoying hi-pitch squeal from it with the tv sound un-muted yet it goes away if i mute the tv i've put on head phones and the noise isnt there so what is causing the problem and how do i get rid of the sound