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Filter effect change

I have recently upgraded to Traktor 2 (for DDJ-T1) from the origional version which came with the controller but I have found the Filter effect (dedicated knob) is far less sensitive, and pretty dull compared to the original. Equally, I have found the Filter effect in the effect deck in Traktor 2 more sensitive (when 'Wet') than previous effect, but neither still not as cool as the original.

Anyone else found this issue? Anyway of getting origional filter and using it on Traktor 2? Or even mapping a fully wet filter from effect deck to the dedicated knob? Sorry for my lack of technical terms but u hopefully know what I mean.

Thx in advance.


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yup... i asked about this months ago when i upgraded to 2 but never heard anything about it..... i went back to Traktor 1 bc of this reason.... from what i hear Traktor 2 is pretty much still in beta testing and I stayed away since i gig with my ddj like twice a week.... not taking any chances on it... hopefully theres a fix for this bc i like the new look and now i believe there is an upgrade for sample decks as well... 

DC 0 votes
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@Chris, @DC > Unfortunately this is a Native Instruments issue to deal with since it is their software (Traktor). The best thing to do would be to contact them directly or on their forums about this issue.



Foster 0 votes
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You could always upgrade to Traktor Pro and use their extended range of effects, including a better filter.

Pulse 0 votes
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Where can I find the mapping for Traktor 1.2.7 ? (for DDJ-T1)

Paul R 0 votes
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@Paul R > The DDJ-T1 first came with a special release of Traktor 1 that included the .tsi file, but since has been upgraded to every DDJ-T1 coming with Traktor 2 and a Traktor 2 .tsi file. For those who purchased the DDJ-T1 and received Traktor 1 have a free upgrade to Traktor 2 with their license. I believe the Traktor 1 files have been upgraded as everyone received a free upgrade to Traktor 2.

If you received Traktor 1 with your DDJ-T1 then it should be on the disks that came with it. If you received Traktor 2 with your DDJ-T1 then you should use Traktor 2 and have that .tsi file...

If yours came with Traktor 2, but you decided to get Traktor Pro version 1, then you're either going to have to find the .tsi file somewhere else, ask someone who already has it, alter your current Traktor 2 .tsi file and map it yourself to work with version 1 and refer to your operators manual, or upgrade to Traktor Pro 2.



Foster 0 votes
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My t1 came with the traktor 1 PE and the .tsi file from the cd wasn't recognized by traktor pro v1. (tested with someone else's traktor pro v1) Perhaps something I did was wrong... have no clue.

Paul R 0 votes
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@Paul R > Did you import the .tsi file the right way into Traktor?



Foster 0 votes
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settings > controller manager > import... select .tsi & OK ?

Paul R 0 votes
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@Paul R > As far as I know it's this on my Mac and should be very similar on Windows just a couple titles like "Preferences" and "Settings" might be different.

Connect DDJ-T1 > Open Traktor Pro > "Preferences" > "Import" > Locate and open correct .tsi file > Start Setup Wizard and follow instructions.



Foster 0 votes
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I def want to upgrade to Traktor 2 full version but I want to know if the dedicated filter sounds as good as Traktor 1 (the pioneer version)  has anyone with a ddj-t1 upgraded to the full pro version of Traktor 2??? and if so how does it sound???  I know theres like 30 more effects which is great, but I want to get some real feedback specific to the DDJ-T1 with the full Traktor 2 upgrade...... Anyone??? 

DC 0 votes
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UPDATE......  I have recently purchased the upgrade to Traktor Pro 2 and the filters sound amazing...... 

DC 0 votes
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