i think I've sussed it out, you manually have to change the deck you want as the master beat not sure this is an improvement.
My old Vestax unit with VDJ LE used to just sync to the deck that was playing, there should be a way of setting this
Hi there I have had my Ergo for about a week now & I'm experiencing a problem with the syncing tracks.
If I load a track into Deck A & start play back then load a track into Deck B & hit the sync button no problem.
When I now load a 3rd track into Deck A it won't sync with Deck B.
The button changes to red on the screen to indicate it's been pressed but nothing happens !!
The beats are not far out generally in the range of 125-130 BPM
I'm using the included VDJ LE on Windows 7 & I've carried out the firmware update off the Pioneer website but it doesn't make any difference.
I've used VDJ LE before that came with a Vestax controller & had no issues, I removed this copy of VDJ before installing the Ergo version
Any ideas??
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i think I've sussed it out, you manually have to change the deck you want as the master beat not sure this is an improvement.
My old Vestax unit with VDJ LE used to just sync to the deck that was playing, there should be a way of setting this
Sync function in VDJ LE is very stupid. You have to change each track to set the master deck (shift + sync) first and then press sync button on next deck.
Azu I know can't understand why they have made it so difficult , my old Vestzx unit with VDJ LE was easier to use I can only imagine it is like this because Pioneer asked for it to be that way
Vestax has never been supplied with Virtual DJ LE.
VCI-100 (Traktor 3 LE), VCI-300 (serato), Spin (djay), Typhoon (Traktor LE), VCI-100 MK2 (Traktor LE)
I had American Audio VMS2 + Virtual DJ LE and here the same problem with sync. Normal Sync works correctly with full version Virtual DJ
Vestax changed the bundled software with the Typhoon to VDJ LE
My daughter has the Typhoon now & finds it very easy to use the sync is great, if you do the upgrade from the link does it maintain the skins etc
Press SHIFT+SYNC on deck B (assigning it to MASTER) then you can sync deck A.
after synchronizing the tracks, how do I make it** return to its normal time** when you make the change, because I have left more slowly or faster of course! thanks!! =)