did you find out of your supplier what was happening ???
has anyone in the uk got 1 ???
So anyone know what the deal is with the UK shipments of the DDJ-SX ? Most (if not all) online retailers are now showing mid November shipping to the UK customers and stating it's from the 'first UK batch' !!
I pre-ordered mine and am just about to call the supplier but would rather here it from the horses mouth. I'll be a bit disappointed if we have to wait 2-3 weeks more than most.
Looks a great unit though, and will be worth the wait I guess.......
On a side note, if the UK shipments are late/delayed how will this affect the chances of receiving one of the free Serato Video licenses ?
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did you find out of your supplier what was happening ???
has anyone in the uk got 1 ???
So it isn't just me that's not got one then, I was told by a certain company they had had a delivery but they where all gone with pre-orders. I have pre-ordered one myself but thought I was being fobbed off, a little gutted to say the least that we have to wait :(
Can't saay I have an answer for you, the best I can do is inquire about it. Hopefully they will arrive sooner than later, but when I know something I will post it here.....
I spoke to my supplier about this and here is what they said. 'We only received 2 units from Pioneer and had to allocate them to the first people who pre-ordered' . Fair enough, but 2 units ?????
Anyway, apparently they will be receiving more units next week (hope this isn't bull) and I will be receiving one from that shipment. Fingers crossed for all of us that are waiting.
I pre-ordered mine just after BPM2012 from [RETAILER] in the UK... after speaking with them on the 1st, they said that they are expecting the first shipment to arrive on or around the 10th Nov. I have seen other postings stating that it's more likely to be the 14th. No choice but to wait, but not to happy that nothing has been confirmed anywhere by Pioneer! Would be nice to at least have a message stating something... give us a little hope and an idea of when...
[RETAILER] that is who i have one pre-ordered with, I did phone [RETAILER] and that is whom said they where having a first shipment delivered on the 2nd but they where all gone with pre-orders. If that is the case you would have expected [RETAILER] to get some also with being such a larger company, so here's hoping we get them soon :(
Yeah, I certainly hope so... fingers crossed and another call tomorrow to see if there's any info.. Will keep you all updated!
Oh yeah, on a side note.. when I pre-ordered mine I spoke to them on the phone first. They said they had pre-ordered 5 units (I think), and I was the 3rd person to pre-order one, so I don't think any have been received there yet or sent out...
I phoned the online retailer I Pre-ordered from and they didn't have a ETA when they will be receiving the DDJ-SX. All they said is that they might be receiving them between 7-10 days. A bit disappointed but at least I'm not the only one.
There is also a thread across on the Serato forums
Might be an idea to show some support there too, maybe someone will listen!
Morning guys, i myself pre-ordered a day or so after Serato sent out the email about the DDJ-SX.
I was quoted at getting it on the 2nd Nov, however when i phoned last Thursday to double check, i was told that i wouldn't be getting it until around the 12-14th Nov as i was the first in line in the second batch of pre-orderes, i begged & pleaded offering to pay the full amount before they even arrived to no avail.
HOWEVER, the company i ordered from who i must say have been tip top, all the way along said they'd ordered 50 units, the containers in which they were coming in on, got delayed & as thus there's a delay in them coming to the UK, so out of the retailers hands.
They said that Pioneer were flying a small amount of units into the UK (circa 50) & that small number were to be distributed to the retailers.
I phoned round all the main dealers Thursday PM trying to get myself one of these units, all the retailers told me the same, so seems like a legit account. They were all also quoting the same delivery times of around 12-14th Nov.
I got a call from my retailer saying that the person in front of me had dropped out, i paid the remaining balance & it's out for delivery to me & i should receive today...
Sadly, i've got a fireworks display to put on later on for family, so i might not even get a chance to play today!
Ok guys.. just spoke with [RETAILER] again. They confirmed with the Pioneer rep, then called me back to say that the UK shipment will be arriving in the UK on Thursday this week, then once they get sorted and allocated out, [RETAILER] are hoping to see them by the middle of next week. He said he hopes to have my unit shipped to me earliest Weds, probably Thurs of Fri though. At least we have an answer! Happy mixing guys when you get yours!!
Just got information that they will be receiving them in 1-2 days and I should get it by thursday.
Checked my order status earlier today and its showing as shipped, hopefully I will see it in a couple of days. Hope you all receive yours as soon as possible !
nice one :-))
let us know when you get it
ill just wait until next week now :-)
hope someone has managed to fully map it to run traktor by then ??
Goodluck to [EDIT] pre-orders as they will not be getting their shippment for another 1-2 weeks.....=(
[EDIT] that's an american site isn't it Dexter ? this is just a thread for us Brits winging at pioneer for letting us down in the uk because we wont be getting the serato video will we, thanks for that Pioneer.
I also asked about the video plugin when I called, and they have confirmed that we should still get it! It's only a delay in getting the units over to the UK...
I do hope that is the case otherwise that would be very unfair
I'm thinking that if the shipment was just delayed getting here then the chances are that they are indeed from the first batch and should contain a video license. Heres hoping. I will let you guys know when it arrives.
Not a very happy chappy just spoke to someone at [EDIT] and I've been told it will be in the next 2-3 week's even though I'm second in the preorder queue I might just miss out on the first batch really what a joke
As anyone else ordered and managed to get a shipment from [RETAILER] music please let me know if you have thankyou
I didnt order from [RETAILER] music but i did order from a very reputable and good supplier here in london. Its nuttin to do with the suppliers more i feel more so an issue on pioneers side.
Theres loads floating around in the US. People are purchasing from instore as well so its jus an issue for us here in the UK.
Patiently waiting for an update on my order
Soooo... the saga continues. Usually any orders I place with [RETAILER] take a couple of days to arrive due to my location in the UK so as my order was showing as shipped I thought Wednesday would be a good day, Wednesday came and went with no delivery so I was patient.... As Thursday progressed with no news of a delivery I was starting to get twitchy. Phoned [RETAILER] tonight and asked where my DDJ was as it was showing as shipped. They STILL havent received any units but apparently they are 'due in soon'. Hmmm I have heard that line before.
So, it's back to you PIONEER, would someone be so kind as to provide me with an answer as to where the 'mysterious container' with DDJ's on it is ?
Why did the US get a clearly biased early shipment when the Pioneer staff at the BPM show informed us that they were due at the end of October in the UK ?
It would be great if someone at Pioneer would man up and admit a cock up and maybe offer up some kind of apology along with a firm date when these units will arrive in the UK.
Industry Standard ? Really ?
Come on Pioneer at least have the decency to reply and inform us what has been the hold up with shipment to certain countrys and retailers, if we choose to believe you will be a different matter !
Just a bit disappointed that Pioneer have said nothing on this matter. Been hearing all sorts of rumours but would like it to be Heard straight from the horse's mouth.
Le Sigh, I'm waiting for DJkit here in the UK to receive stock, They said they would be hopefully receiving stock this week. However it is now the weekend and thus getting a little pissed off to say the least with one date here and another. If I would have known I would have simply cancelled my pre-order and sourced overseas.
The very reason I never preorder
Pioneer need to grow some balls
To let people know what's happening
Very unprofessional IMO
Guys, such things can happen - there are many variables that can affect the supply chain. It wasn't specifically a UK shortage at all - the UK is one of Pioneer's important markets. I know that more will be on their way soon and I can't wait to hear your feedback when they do arrive.
I must, however, remind you that discussing retailers on the forums is not permitted.
Hello Gavin, I take it your our official Pioneer reply, well could you please tell us how soon is soon,seeing that a lot of other country's all seem to have stocks of the ddj sx and seeing that the UK is important to yourselves, soon could.mean many variables soon to my Mrs isn't the same as when my boss says soon, also I started the other thread hoping to get a reaction from an official pioneer employee which it which was to close the thread, so surely is there not a shipping date for the UK that is all we ask