FollowDDJ-SZ with Traktor and two laptops
I'm looking at the DDJ-SZ as a possible controller for Traktor, mainly as it has twin USB inputs and mic channels.
Has anyone tried using two laptops running Traktor with one of these, and does the deck control split across the two laptops in the way it does with Serato? Also, do the USB inputs present four audio channels to each of the connected laptops and just switch the audio streams to the mixer channels?
I'm thinking that if it does I can replace an S4 on one laptop, X1+Z1 on the backup laptop, mixer and lots of wires with a DDJ and still have a backup system if Traktor crashes on one of the laptops.
Serato might might be an option in the future, but I'd like to know about the Traktor functionality as a starting point
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