FollowDDJ-SZ 64 bit ASIO drivers?
Now Traktor is available in 64 bit are there plans to develop 64 bit ASIO drivers for the DDJ-SZ? The current drivers only allow use of the WASAPI interfaces so they only show a single channel
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I second this!
If you run Traktor in 32bit mode it will ASIO will show up.
BUT ... I would love a 64bit driver so that I can run my software in 64bit mode.
Yeah 32 bit is fine, but like you I'd rather use 64 bit and all the benefits
There is currently no advantage to the user in running in 64bit mode. Until such time as Pioneer releases a 64bit driver for their hardware, you will have no problems running in 32bit mode.
Ermmm... what???
Sorry, but I disagree totally. Traktor has just been released as a 64 bit app and as such can use the whole memory space for song caching, plus playlist and library management. These are both significant improvements but cannot be used by systems running 32-bit ASIO drivers.
64-bit systems have been around since forever now, and all the major DAWs now have 64 bit versions. I can't think of any other manufacturer with a profile as high and well respected as Pioneer that still have to catch up with ASIO driver development for flagship products. I can understand not having drivers for very old gear, but when the DDJ-SZ is stuck in 32-bit land there's something wrong.
Kinda another topic, but multi-client drivers would also be very much appreciated!!
Totally agree with Mike. It has taken way too long for most companies to catch up to 64bit.
64bit systems have been commonplace for over a decade now, it might be time to catch up.
That is indeed a little shortsighted to say that there's no advantage in 64 bit mode of the Traktor software.
Not to mention that there is performance degradation of the 32 bit program (And driver!!!) running on a 64 bit OS due to WoW (Windows on Windows)
It is soooo not of this time to install a program and then go edit the starting preferences because there's a driver not used to 64 bit.
64 bit has ben around in computing since the early 2000's .... and 15 years later we bring new products in the market, but we don't supply a 64 bit driver?
Unbelieveable ....
You want to know why Traktor is winning territory?
Try the seamless integration of the hardware in the software and in windows.
Never a problem connecting or installing.
Stay ahead Pioneer ... make me proud and deliver this driver for all your customers..
We pay good money, we deserve a decent driver to make optimal use of our equipment.
<end rant>
Thanks for reading.
The engineers are working on it guys, don't get your shirt in a knot. ;)
Do I need to bring them some coffee?
Is there an update on this?
Is there a timeline for this?
Sorry, no updates yet. You could bring me a coffee tho! ;)
Please don't drink that coffee any more! Meanwhile too old coffee and you become sick and we have to wait even longer on 64 bit ASIO drivers.
I've just bought a DDJ-SX2 and also no 64bit asio drivers :-(
Luckily Traktor offers a workaround to the lack of 64bit drivers, otherwise SX2 the box in and it returns back to the shop, 90 days return right and money back.
lol - sorry for the wait. The engineers are working on it but we don't have any estimated release date info at this time.
News ?
what is this ?
Any news on this? Four months of engineers working on a driver seems a little excessive?
Switching to Xone, guess that's what they want.
I'm sure four months seems excessive for a user, but the engineers are working on developing, testing and certifying the 64bit drivers for all products and operating systems. It's more than just waving a magic wand at the 32bit drivers.
We apologize for the wait, your patience is appreciated!
From the release notes it looks like the Mac drivers have been 64 bit dating back from 10.8 ( July 2012) upwards and already work with Yosemite which was released back in October 2014.
Mac OS X
v10.10 Yes
v10.9 Yes
v10.8 Yes
v10.7 Yes*
v10.6 Yes*
*Driver software works as a 32 bit mode even your OS (Operating System) is operating in a 64 bit mode
Seems that it's taken a while since the first mainstream release of 64 bit Windows (Win7 in July 2009) to get the Windows drivers working and certified to the same specification as the Mac drivers.
As the drivers are currently being certified for all other operating systems is there an anticipated release date yet?
That's primarily since Mac doesn't require drivers and uses CoreAudio (built-in to OS X) and it has had a 64bit function for quite some time.
Windows requires individual device drivers as there is no built-in audio function, and 64bit DJ applications have not really been mainstream thus the requirement was minimal. Ableton has had a 64bit version of Live for some time, but as it's not a DJ performance software, it was not considered a priority. Native Instruments only recently released a 64bit version of Traktor.
Ah ok I didn't realise support was built into OSX ... so, as there's only one OS to develop, test and certify for I guess that should make it a lot quicker and easier :)
FL Studio is also 64 bit, ok also not a real DJ application. The term recently is quite relative. Recent events are: 1. end of Win XP; 2. Traktor 2.8.0, first 64bit release; 3 Traktor 2.8.1; 4 Traktor 2.9; 5 Windows 10.
So, recently a lot happened, unfortunately not a Pioneer 64 bit Asio driver. When?
@Pulse, I would appreciate a reaction on other pending questions I've posted several weeks ago.
@Yves > Just because Traktor released a 64bit version of their software doesn't mean Pioneer jumped into action and started development on 64bit drivers that day. They've been surveying the scene and determining the need for the drivers for quite some time, but as I said, it's not an overnight process.
As for the other items, I'll dive into those in the next day or so - I may have been away when you posted them, and missed the notifications. I can find them on your profile.
Sooooo .... it's now five months after "The engineers are working on it" ... Are they still working? Has anyone checked in on them recently?
Yes, they're still working on verification - until then, here's the official statement.
Ok thanks ... I guess if they're on the verification stage then most of the development/porting has been done so hopefully we'll see them soon. I was kinda hoping rekordbox 4 would ship with updated drivers but turns out that's still in 32-bit land which is a bit disappointing.
Yeah, sorry - we're all still waiting! A lot going on this week.
Soooo .... here we are three months after the five months after the engineers were working on it ..... how's the final verification going?
@Mike > Sorry, we haven't yet had any updates. As previously mentioned, when we receive news, we'll post it.
+1 for the 64 bit asio driver for the DDJ-SX2
happy coding,