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CDJ 350 BPM display errors

Hi guys I've noticed whenever I'm playing say, a 128 bpm song on my 350, the bpm display would show 127.9 for one min then jump to something like 128.2 or other random numbers. Is there a way around this or you can't trust the BPM display on the cdj 350s at all? I know ppl are gonna say use your ears and stuff but I wanna know if anyone else is having a problem with this as well cause in all the pioneer demo videos, the bpm counter never jumped at all. Cheers 


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I got the same issue with the 400's, when I got my tracks beatmatched together in perfect sync they intend to jump BPM one or the other so it throws off your mix thats why you either have to always fwd or rewind it to stay in sync not too much as you well already may know, but yea I wouldnt worry about it. And it does this either via flash drive or cd's. Just make sure your MT is set to 6 (dont widen it) both IF your mixing two songs with the same BPM otherwise, experiment and master them 350's. They are solid bro.

DJ Twamp 0 votes
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leo you will always have this problem when using cd's, it will happen even on the 2000's when using cd's t is due to the fact that the bpm reader can only read ahead so far, to prevent this from happening, use usb or some kind of harddrive, and make sure it is run through rekord box

Richard Flowers 0 votes
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I see cause when I plug in a thumbdrive to my 350, the BPM jumped as well. Btw do you know if you can use the 350s as controllers for serato scratch live? I've tried Virtual DJ but for some reason both my 350s are recognised as platter B on virtual DJ. Cheers 

Leo 0 votes
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leo when using a thumbdrive are you just transfering the songs onto it or are you importing them from rekordbox, because i run all my tracks through rekordbox and i have never had this issue, if i am using CD's i get it all the time, so my advice is first off practice beat matching by ear and until you can master that, make sure all tracks are exported through rekordbox


now onto you second question, i have the CDJ-350's hence my display picture, and i have used them with both VDJ and now i am using Traktor alot, because my friend has a controler and traktor and it means when out at his house i am used to using it, but while using them at the start i had an issue with the sound but found out that by incressing the buffer size that fixed the problem.


if both your players are controling one plater, while not in control mode hold down the utliitys button for a few seconds, the screen will probably say a.cue level, use your rottarys knob to go to midi channel, and select it by pressing the knob down, and change the right hand player to channel 2

Richard Flowers 0 votes
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The BPM numbers are just calculations and they change from time to time, and correcting is part of dj-ing. That's why humans are still behind the decks and not robots. So better use the bpm counters to look if you're 'in  the area' and use your ears to make the fine tuning.

djAzid 0 votes
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Thanks guys for the help. @ DJ-Ric, when u say running my tracks through rekord box, are you saying DJing simultaneously with a laptop plugged into both cdjs like u would use it for a controller? In that case how do you drag a track to deck A or B since rekord box only shows one deck. Also is it possible to export a playlist from rekord box to iTunes to burn CDs? I know these are newb questions but hey.... I just got the set :)

Leo 0 votes
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leo rekordbox is just the meusic management system that came with the CDJ's when you bought them, make sure you have that installed and open it, once you have that done go to file and import your music, depending on how much there is it may take a while to analyse, once it has finnished analysing, click the arrow beside devices and plug in your thumb drive, from there highlight songs in your collection on the left and drag them onto the device on the right, and then eject the thumbdrive and put into your cdj

Richard Flowers 0 votes
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Other thing is when you are mixing some old tunes or MP3 ripped from Vinyl because their speed is not perfect and thats  why you always have to monitor your mixes and not rely entirely in your equipment, BPM counters are instruments, they help you but they dont do all the work for you

Tarmadadj 0 votes
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The comments are correct; if you are using a non-Rekordbox analysed source, the player has to calculate the average BPM of the track on-the-fly as the music is playing.  It will tend to vary, but your ears are more reliable than those numbers so use them to beatmatch instead.

Pulse 0 votes
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Im having a problem similiar to this. One CDJ says for e.g. 130 the other will always be 0.3 less e.g. 129.7. i usb's which i havent run through rekord box - i will try that and see it the problem still occurs

Liam Reynolds 0 votes
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@Liam > Are both units on the latest firmware? Have your tried testing with the exact same track on both units?

Gavin 0 votes
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@Liam > That's normal analysis for the players to try and perform the guesswork as they decode the file from the USB drive.  Running your tracks through rekordbox will result in consistent measurement and display.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi guys.... i have the same mistakes on CDJ 350-the bpm is moving a lot.

Anyway is better if u forget about cases with CDs and to use only 2external hdd :) i think

is much more easy...

Paul Savateev 0 votes
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