@Gary > If you went directly from the Bridge to the SD card, you actually bypassed the Rekordbox analysis and databasing process. The correct procedure would be to import the songs from the bridge into Rekordbox, then from Rekordbox to the SD card.
I've been using usb sticks on my cdj 2000's and importing files through recordbox and everything works great.
However i've just bought an SDHC 16GB Card and imported my playlists from itunes from the bridge section onto the SD card.
I've gone into properties and all the files are on but when i load it into the cdj's its telling me if i want the cdj's to recognise the files quickly to import them using Rekordbox (Which i already have done?).
So any help on this would be much appreciated.
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@Gary > If you went directly from the Bridge to the SD card, you actually bypassed the Rekordbox analysis and databasing process. The correct procedure would be to import the songs from the bridge into Rekordbox, then from Rekordbox to the SD card.
However I drag them from bridge and it works fine, though it is a veeery slow proccess...
I have dragged the files over and it did take a while and tried in my cdj's but it wouldn't show the playlists.
The songs are there and on the rekordbox there saying there quantized etc but not showing on the cdj on the single files are.
I've also tried creating the playlists from scratch on rekordbox and draging the files in and this still hasn't worked. I use 2 usb sticks and they work fine but the SD card seems to be giving me grief. Am i right in saying it should be formated in FAT32 and NOT NTFS or does it not matter ?
@Gary > As I noted, you need to first import the tracks from iTunes to Rekordbox. Once Rekordbox has analyzed the songs, you can export them to the SD. If you have content on the SD card already, you may want to format it first then create your playlists and export from scratch.
The SD card should NOT be formatted in NTFS; you should use FAT32, but don't use Windows to do it (if you're on a Windows box), use a 3rd party tool ( see this thread).
DJ Pulse,
You are correct about formatting SD Cards to the "Fat" format!
Here are some very juicy instructions on how to get SD cards ready to Rock with Rekordbox!!!
Instructions on how to format/ prepare your SD Cards for Rekordbox (CDJ2000/ CDJ900 "Mac OS X" users):
Additional Comments:
Happy SD-Mixing and Enjoy!!!
DJ WIll : )
When I import my playlist to a SD card from recordbox to my devises by dragging over the folders recordbox crashes. I have experienced this not every time. My playlist has about 60 songs in it. Has anyone else experienced a recordbox crash during importing?
@Super Lou > Are you on the latest version of Rekordbox?
Yea 1.05 it happens if I drag a folder with more than 20 files in it yesterday I took a folder and places it over an excisting folder for import I received a message from recordbox ' overwrite folder ' I said yes and recordbox crashes
@Super Lou > Do you mean 1.5.0?
The update link is here: http://forums.pioneerdj.com/entries/20236176-rekordbox-software
Sorry yes 1.5.0
@Super Lou > Format the SD card and start again. Use the export option in Rekordbox to export the tracks / playlists. Rekordbox does not support folder structures.
I am getting an error saying it can not unmount my sd card? Can that be fixed?