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why won't my CDJ900's link??

OK so I just got my 900's all set up, I put a flash drive in one of them but when I press the link button it shows "link' but does not show any files? youtube video's show it being so easy so what am I doing wrong?? and yes I do have the link cable plugged in to each other on the back of the decks.


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Is the drive formatted to FAT32? If so when u insert it push USB button on that player and if you want to use the files on the other player push the link button.

Morgo 0 votes
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well I tried pushing the link button again and it shows "link but still no tracks. FAT32 I have no idea what that is, how do I tell?

Roy (SOUNDWAVE) 0 votes
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Plug the drive into your computer go into properties off the drive it should say what it is formatted to. The players will only read FAT not NTFS

Morgo 0 votes
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ok I'll try that now. so how do I change it if its is NTFS?

Roy (SOUNDWAVE) 0 votes
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Best bet is to google HP format utility and down load it. A few people on the forums have used it no problems.

Morgo 0 votes
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Yep that's what it needs to be. Have exported files from RB or just jup files on the drive?

Morgo 0 votes
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hmm ok, geez I thought these things were supposed to be easy I'm afraid what surprises I'm going to encounter when I try to hook up my Serato SL3 to these decks.

Roy (SOUNDWAVE) 0 votes
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Maybe a stupid point, but are the two players linked via an ethernet cable?

shortSTACK 0 votes
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Sorry, failed to read the last bit of your OP above! Strange one then in that case. Will try and replicate with a flash drive today and see what happens.....!

shortSTACK 0 votes
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The Format worked! thanks Morgo. I also hooked up my serato and that works fine to I just noticed the cheapper USB cable on one deck caused it to take longer to read/link, I'll get a new cable today.

couple of things I'm not too happy with 1, SLIP MODE DOESN'T WORK :( well when its linked up with serato, why would Pioneer leave this feature out????

  1. Why doesn't the track I load up start at my saved cue point in serato? I have to adjust it and make another with the CDJ?

other than those 2 downfalls it is more accurate....awsome!

Roy (SOUNDWAVE) 0 votes
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@Roy > Slip mode isn't supported by the software - which is why the hardware button doesn't work.  The hardware-based SLIP mode is performed ON-DECK with audio from USB or CD sources, but it can't do that with the audio from Scratch Live.

As for the track load-up - that's an option within the software... click SETUP > Playback tab > On Song Load section > "Play from first cue point".

Pulse 0 votes
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OK Pulse I'll try adjusting it on serato. Thanks for the help guys.

Roy (SOUNDWAVE) 0 votes
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Glad I could help. Sorry for the typos auto correct and there no edit on this forum.

Morgo 0 votes
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well my problem is that i cant link my cdj with my laptop.i have a pair of them and i am using a lan hub.the thing is the other player works fine when linked to the laptop but the other one seems unable to play tracks from rekordbox but the player is visible on the bottom panel of rekordbox.and this problem doesnt occur when using usb sticks.please help!

Shahir Ashraf 0 votes
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@Shahir Ashraf > It might be best to start a new thread considering your issue is different than what occurred in this thread.

Some quick possibilities though:

1. Ensure LAN cable is fully inserted into players, and anywhere else they are connected.

2. Make sure you're using a LAN switch, and not an ethernet hub or wireless router.

3. Make sure the LAN switch has no software controls on it.

4. Make sure you shut down your firewalls and Wifi on your computer when connecting.

5. If none of these work, try using different LAN cables, or just rotate the cables to different players to see if the issue moves to another player.



Foster 0 votes
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ok first of all i thought that the link function is supported by all kinds of devices (wireless router/lan switch/ehternet hub) and actually im using a wireless router but even if i connect the lan cable directly to my laptop the same problem occurs.cdj appears on rekordbox but cant load tracks.any ways to fix this?

Shahir Ashraf 0 votes
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@Shahir > The "Link" function is supported by devices other than a switch, it is just recommended to use an unmanaged switch because routers and hubs tend to have firewall programs and management software which can cause issues. For your situation, have you ensured the cables are fully plugged in at both ends and have you switched the ethernet cable with a different player to see if it's possibly just the cable?



Foster 0 votes
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If you try to link like devices, you need a crossover cable.  That will solve your issue of linking two CDJs with each other.  The LAN cables given with the players are straight-through cables and will not allow your CDJs to communicate.  Simple fix is to take the cable and change one end if you you know how, or buy one from the store.  Hope this helps!

Tim Sorel 0 votes
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@Tim huh a LAN cable is a LAN cable. Just different standards. There is no need to be changing cable ends. The ones that came with the player will work just fine unless damaged in some way.

Morgo 0 votes
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Ok, glad it works for you.  Niether of the two LAN cables worked for me, so I made a crossover cable and it works perfect. 

Tim Sorel 0 votes
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some of the lag cables that came with the decks did have issues, The ones that came with mine would disconnect if they moved at all in the player, Once i bought new ones, they worked perfect

BriChi 0 votes
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Thats strange. The only thing I can think of if you are using and old hub you may need crossed cable. Every set I have hooked worked with the cables out of the box.

Morgo 0 votes
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But as BriChi points out there have been a couple of issues with cables out of the box.

Morgo 0 votes
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You DO NOT need a crossover cable; those really haven't been needed for about 10 years as the hardware now has automatic switching and sensing for the cables.  As @BriChi notes, there are some problematic cables and replacing them is an easy solution.

Pulse 0 votes
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I was hoping they were auto switching, and I did not have a cable tester here to test the cables themselves.  Thanks for the heads up on the history of bad cables.  I will make my own in the future. 

Tim Sorel 0 votes
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Worst thing in the world. 

I can't get link to work, I was playing with it and they work randomly for a random amounts of time. And then they just wont work at all, I tried 3 different cables, 2 being straight ethernet and one being a cross over as stated in the manual. Still no luck, my USB's work fine, like I said they work randomly. What am I doing wrong... Everything is plugged in correctly. They are used CDJ 900's. But they are in really really good condition and the Link wasn't even used by the previous owner. Can anyone help me? Or suggest I get the machines serviced? 

Jason Jay W Williamson 0 votes
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