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CDJ2000 e8302 Error - at Gig Losing Faith

0) Have you read the "READ ME FIRST" thread in its entirety before posting:Yes, I swear it!

1) Operating System: OSX 10.6.8 

2) OS Type: ???

3) Rekordbox version: 1.5.2

4) Using LINK: Yes

4a) LINK Connection method:  Export to Harddrive

4b) Using with CDJs: Yes, but not with my computer, only my Hard Drive

5) Hard drive / Flash drive / SD card file system: Brand New Hard Drive

5a) Does the device have multiple partitions: No

5b) If it's a flash drive, is it a U3 device: Not a Flash Drive

5c) With what utility did you format the device: Disk Utility

6) Have you scanned your files for errors: No

7) Have you scanned your drive for errors: Yes

8) Is Rekordbox crashing at all: No

8a) If crashing, is it resulting in: Not Crashing

8b) If not crashing, are there any error messages: Yes E8302

9) Are you able to repeat / reproduce the problem: No

9a) If yes, can you do it consistently: No

10) Any other notes regarding your setup only:

Provide as much detail of the issue here:

After years of only using CDJ's and my clubs upgrading i decided to take the plunge into Using the Hard Drive capabilities, bought a brand new Hard Drive, formatted it perfectly, and proceed to loud about 2000 songs onto it, imported through rekordbox. At my biggest club 3 weeks in a row, on differenent songs, the players have stopped playing late into my set and the read E8302 message.


I have read a lot on these forums, but people mainly with this error are using computers with CDJ's, i have done everything by the book, and still crashing, i don't own CDJ2000's so i cant test fixes, but as i said it happened very late into my set as always. 

P.S if by scanning files for errors means merely importing them into rekordbox, then i have scanned them, although if there is an actual function to scan library for errors i am missing please alert me. Otherwise i am out of ideas, from what i have read. 

CDJ's are firmware up to date.  If crash happens once more, i will have to revert to CD's as i just wont be able to rely on using a external device for my set.

Matt Answered

Official comment


An 8302 basically means the file can't be read.

Causes of an 8302 error:

- the file is damaged or corrupted
- the file is missing or has been moved
- there is a network communication problem (if loading over a link)

What might cause the above:

- the firmware of the player is out-of-date
- a cheap USB drive with low quality components
- drive failure
- power saving has activated
- the drive isn't receiving adequate power from the CDJ (only an issue with certain models of external USB-powered conventional hard drives)
- user moved or changed files or folders in the drive's /CONTENTS folder
- the drive was removed from a player or computer while in use and the drive table of contents is damaged
- the USB host on the CDJ is damaged
- there is another hardware fault in the CDJ
- the ethernet cable used is defective or is not seated properly
- one of the pins in the ethernet jack is not aligned properly causing a communication error
- the socket of the ethernet jack has failed on the board of the CDJ
- the network hardware between CDJs is managing traffic, causing packet loss or blocking communication

Use the above information to try and troubleshoot what your issue might be.

For problems related to USB drives, it may simply require a formatting and re-export of the contents, but if the problems persist, try using a different make / model of USB drive.

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So i have got a new hard drive got the old one replaced! As i have colleagues who use the exact same hard drive and have never had a problem with it. The error i got at a gig the other night  was E-8302 PLAYER ERROR (3194), 


what does that mean exactly? I can't find information on what the 3194 means?

Matt 1 vote
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Scanning files for errors is not done by RB it only checks its own architecture.

Are you using MP3's?, myself & many use a free MP3 checker called "MP3val", also avoid VBR files.  I don't get any of these errors using a single HDD with it's own PSU as and I do not have the decks hooked up to PC.  i.e. I only use RB to set my tunes up and export them.

So you could try these? :-

  1. Check ALL MP3's with MP3val or similar

  2. Don't use VBR (variable bit rate) MP3's, convert them to CBR (constant bit rate)

  3. Power your HDD with it's own power supply

  4. Defrag the HDD regularly

Effect 0 votes
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What HDD did you bought? You should use a HDD that has the option to have the power on all the time and doesn't go to "sleep mode" after a couple of minutes.

oakstream 0 votes
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@Matt > Following up on the above ... what is the make / model of hard drive you're using?

Pulse 0 votes
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Hey guys, sorry for the delay.


The Hard Drive is a Western Digital Passport essential, USB 3.0, here is the product link http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=440


All MP3's have previously been checked with Serato, and all error/corrupt files deleted, pretty sure they are all CBR, but would this still cause a crash, if one wasn't?

HDD doesn't have a external power supply option, nor does it have a sleep option, my assumption is it stays in non sleep mode forever. After both crashes, i have reformatted it completely once, and repaired and verified all disk permissions once, neither made a difference.


What is Defragging? Is that done through disk utility?

Is it better off buying SD cards, are they less likely to crash CDJ's? As i said reliability is everything to me, and i can't loose trust, it that makes sense :-/

Matt 0 votes
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My only experience with that error message was due to trying to copy 500+ tracks over to a USB flash drive all at once, which resulted in many tracks not being playable. 


I would re-format your HDD and try copying files over in smaller 'chunks', rather than dropping 2000+ tracks on all at once.



Nate Schilman 0 votes
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The HDD has sleepmode:
Power miser—My Passport portable drives are designed to save energy.
WD GreenPower TechnologyTM lowers internal drive power consumption by up to 30%, a sleep mode reduces power during idle times, and a power-saving feature turns the drive on and off with your computer.

I think it's the power save/sleep mode that is tje problem.

I once used a WD MyBook Studio Editio II with Traktor Scratch Pro and I always had problem because the drive went to sleep during the time a played a track...

Now I'm using Lacie drives bevause they have the option to have the HDD powered on all the time without sleepmode.


oakstream 0 votes
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Sorry for the typos, I'm answering from my phone while I'm in the stable with our horses, lol :)

oakstream 0 votes
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Thanks Oakstream! Is there a way to disable this sleep mode? 

Matt 0 votes
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That might have cracked it! Is this why during the gigs it doesnt display the error, until 3/4 ways through the gig? 


Also could disabling the HD two hours in disconnecting it, and reconnecting it, stop it erroring?

Matt 0 votes
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I don't think you can turn off the sleep mode... If you plan your set before the gig, I would go for the SD cards. If you still needs a HDD then look at the LaCie d2 Quadra drives. They're bigger and they need an external power supply but you can choose to have it powered on all the time (it's a On/Auto/Off switch on the back of the HDD, see attached picture).



oakstream 0 votes
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@Matt > Have you tried disabling the sleep / power saving modes?

Pulse 0 votes
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Pulse, theres no switch on my external to turn this off. Gna move to another storage device, would you recommend flash drive, sd card, or solid state hard drive?

Matt 0 votes
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Well, I've never had issues with HD or USB, but it would seem the fewest complaints come from SD users.

Pulse 0 votes
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It's internal diagnostic code, but chances are the cause of the error was one of these:

  • your hard drive went to power savings

  • the audio file couldn't be read properly

  • there was a communication error between players; check your link cables

Pulse 0 votes
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This Occurred on the player that had the hd plugged into it, i am currently scanning all my mp3's with an mp3 scan and repair utility, and the had drive is used by countless other djs who don't seem to have a problem. 

More information i can add is, that when the song playing "error'd" i started a song on the linked CDJ which was playing a song off the same hard drive, and worked perfectly, the player that "error'd" merely stayed on the error screen until i selected another song.

Matt 0 votes
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@Matt > Then it's also possible that the export database is damaged and that song's reference is invalid, or the song has been damaged / removed and thus the error.  You may want to try removing that track from the device via rekordbox and re-exporting it.

Pulse 0 votes
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Matt, I also use WD MyPassport Essencial SE. There are some information you must know about those hard drives. There are some models that have the power saving option and there are some that DO NOT.

You must install a software named WD SmartWare. With it you may do all the tests on your disc to check if its fully functional and with no errors at all. If your model has the power saving option you will also be able to configure it on Settings tab. At the right side you will have the unit configs and there you will find the option (if your model has this feature). Mine DOES NOT so it never sleeps. These hard drives are pretty solid and yes you may have problems with sleep mode on but, again, only if your drive has that feature.

One other thing I tend to do from time to time is erasing all tracks from it and then letting Rekordbox copy them all back while I sleep. That prevents fragmentation in the most effective way. That will keep your HD in most effective level.

Stroboscope 0 votes
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@Matt >

Hi, the same fail happened to me. E-8302 PLAYER ERROR (3194). More than once.

I did the same thins as u did and the error was still showing. I also played the tracks that showed the error all over again and this second time they worked ok.

I use 32gb pendrives Kingstone, they are new in FAT format, USB 3.0.

Someone can explain me which is the problem and solution?

This can not keep happening to me, it's unprofessional. I m really mad

Lelu 0 votes
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