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weeks or months for nexus firmware?

it seems all the articles referring to any problem the CDJ2000 nexus has been closed which i great for us trying to find out a bit more, it seems all of us are having issues of some point and with that its the simple fact that we cant use these players in club environments, all it does in make us look like fools "like poor kissy sell out" in a Pioneer booth none the less, im not trying to point the finger but i think we deserve some sort of time frame on when these are likely to be addressed, we have forked out lots of money for these and now have to look at getting reliable decks to borrow/hire, end of the day they dont do what they are meant to so if it cant be achieved in a reasonable time period think many of us will have to return to supplier.

DJ Nick Lee

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We hope days, but no timeline has been issued yet - when we hear anything official from Pioneer's engineers it will be posted.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks Pulse, also none of this is aimed at any moderators on here you guys have anyways been great, just a little annoyed at the engineering side 

DJ Nick Lee 0 votes
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Thanks Pulse, also none of this is aimed at any moderators on here you guys have anyways been great, just a little annoyed at the engineering side 

DJ Nick Lee 0 votes
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@Pulse and Gavin. Guys i (we) know you are doing your job, and it is not to make new firmwares at your own. But closing topics which people are complaining (and they are right to complain) about major issues for a top product in my opinion it;s not the right thing to do. Don't get this wrong, but when some one makes a new topic and says how great that machines are, the same way does some one else topic with complaining. And if he is right about complain, then it's worst to close his topic.

Did you see my video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYF7S_xs3ic&feature=plcp&noredirect=1 ? Do you pass it to the engineers? Thats a major master tempo issue, which makes my nexus useless for me since the day i bought them.. With master tempo off, it no happen. I mean, how difficult would that be to check it out befor even releasing the decks at the market..

I repeat, don't get me wrong here, but we paid a lot (really lot, and you know it) of money here, and practically we cannot use the decks outside home..

Anastasio 0 votes
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Id be interested to see this Kissy Sell out Youtube Video


Again something I noticed last night


The Hard Disk crashed AGAIN!!  but my BRAND NEW SDXC 128GB card with is Fat 32 formatted has performed fantastically, no crashes, no looesing of files - it works :)


So maybe that says something about these Nexus's !

DJccccc 0 votes
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@tasos > I haven't seen your video as I had been away from the forums for a while, but MT issues have already been brought to the attention of the engineers and they are working hard to isolate the problems surrounding the complaints in order to remedy the issue.

Pulse 0 votes
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they obviously are not putting 100% effort into the MT issue which is what most of the freezing is coming from, If they were, we wouldnt have gotten the joke of an update that was posted yesterday

BriChi 0 votes
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No offence Phil, but but maybe might its a case of mind your own business, if your not not going to constructively comment.


My next question to you is do you own a Nexus ? If so then fair enough, simples :) Don't bother commenting unless its actually going to help find out the issue.


Also if you had bothered to read any of my previous posts, its happened with 2 different HD's, all have been listed in other posts regards to this issue, until then, understand people are frustrated at buying a player, which is meant to be all singing, and working. 


Instead we have a half way house which has bugs


And Yesh Phil, the same HD let me down again this evening, an error that has only occured on the Nexus. And yes it did ruin my set for 10 minutes whilst I had to work around it. So Yes Phil ... there is an issue that did not occur on the CDJ2000's MK1 I have loyality used since 2009, pretty much every night, so when it comes to performing, I expect for something ive invested £3000 to do the basic thing of not loose my tracks every time after 3 hrs.


And Finally Yes, Phil ... the SD was ok all night, there is an issue with USB, on ether CDJ2000 Nexus, this is a non Rekordbox analiysed HD. So Phil ... if you can suggest something that my stop this error from happening, im open ears for your suggestions .... Phil ! 

DJccccc 0 votes
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Fair play to Kissy, he is angry, but he doesn't let it ruin his gig. Defo a Pro.

DJccccc 0 votes
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And RE ... Phil to your post 


did you see the release notes? they are on the firmware download page. it's a CDJ firmware update, why would they mention rekordbox? a lot of your list is just your wishlist. it's not really representative of what the majority of the users need right now (ie greater stability, bug fixes). 

the aero features would be nice to have but were never mentioned as being included with the nexus so it would be a bonus if they ever get included.


I searched for an exact break down of the release, and wanted to see what exactly had been mentioned before I voiced my displeasure at the fact non of the issues had been sorted, usually there is a WIKI at the top of the forum which states about the new firm ware. This didn't happen ...


Also who are you ... to say for what people want and dont want. I agree with you I want a product that works, but I was sold .. told .. and have asked many times over the last 2 months regards to questions relating to Ipads , Andriod, and the response from Pioneer has been very vague at best.


So I will ask the questions, as this is a forum ... when thinks are expected to be sorted if there are errors or things that have been promised that could have been sorted via firmware update, so people dont have to wait for months, I respect your opinion but please dont question or be negative towards valid points ive raised. Maybe consider just speaking for yourself as cant really claim to represent "everyones views" been logical.

DJccccc 0 votes
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No need to get your knickers in a twist. You obviously haven't seen my reply to one of your posts about 'losing' files on HD but not your SD. It's sounds like your HD is going into some kind of sleep mode, something similar has happened in the past - some HDs do this after periods of inactivity. Can you disable the sleep mode? It may be that the NXS lacks the ability to ping the drive, I believe this was added to the mk1 firmware at some point...

Yes, I have NXS and use an SSD and USB sticks and haven't seen any files going missing.

Also, I very clearly don't doubt your requests, as I said, I hope they all get included at some point but the focus now is to fix current issues a lot of people are having with their NXS and not to include new features that so far only one person (you) has suggested regarding android rekordbox stuff.

I was just putting some perspective on the matter.

Phil 0 votes
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And this is a perfect example of why threads get locked down.  Play nice or we shut the door.

Pulse 0 votes
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The basic fact is the issues need logging, fixing and sorting. 

There is no reason why files should be going missing, your correct there Phil ... If it was on one individual devise, then fair enough. but this is on two separate units.


Regards to Android matters I (and other members who have posted on it and not received an answer) will continue to highlight the issues in the Rekordbox forum as Pulse suggested last week - and for the record Phil, im not the only one to have mentioned this, have a "search" ...

DJccccc 0 votes
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